SIM Report for USS Vindicator - Oct. 6th 2014 - Oct. 19th 2014
Posted on Fri Oct 24th, 2014 @ 1:18am by
Edited on Fri Oct 24th, 2014 @ 1:19am
As always, you can see the pretty version on Google Drive:
-=/\=- CO -=/\=-
Greetings folks,
I know this period was a bit slower to kick off... People were upset by some of the drama that has hit the org recently and we're going to account for that. I know it took me a little bit to come back and hit my stride as well. If you didn't meet your minimums this period... we'll consider it a grace, especially if you've been consistently hitting your mark previously.
We're officially wrapping up this plot and should be done by the end of the week. Our annual Vindicator Halloween party will kick off on 10/31 so keep an eye out for those logs!!!! We're coming into the holiday season and this command team is BIG on holiday spirit, so we'll be forcing it down your throats (don't worry, as evidenced we're not about to cram any particular religion down along with it) and hope you'll celebrate with us in kind!
Also... Please don't forget to nominate your peers for awards! The big award ceremony will be held during the Vindicator Christmas Ball! That's only a couple months away, about 9 weeks to be exact!
If you're going to be LOA over Thanksgiving and Christmas, please let us know ASAP!
-=/\=- XO -=/\=-
So, I was just informed that we report our log counts wrong. The number per player was accurate before, you each got credit for each log you touched, but then we listed the number of actual logs released as our final count. Apparently, we’re supposed to actually take the counts generated per person and add all those together to get the final number. So, um, previous logging periods should have had a much higher total log count than they did. Let’s run over them real quick, shall we?
2014-09-22 to 2014-10-05 — reported as 42, should have been 108
2014-09-08 to 2014-09-21 — reported as 52, should have been 88
2014-08-23 to 2014-09-07 — reported as 61, should have been 127
2014-08-10 to 2014-08-22 — not totalled, would have been 91
2014-07-27 to 2014-08-09 — not totalled, would have been 49
2014-07-13 to 2014-07-26 — not totalled, would have been 24
2014-06-29 to 2014-07-12 — not reported due to technical issue
One thing this tells me is that while numbers have gone up and down a bit, we have been getting a lot more logs with a lot of people involved. Which can make for some awesomeness plot wise. They do also take a lot more patience than a two person joint log, especially since everyone has busy lives, and we have people in so many different time zones. Patience, and communication is the key in keeping things running smoothly, so please keep this in mind.
-=/\=- Summary -=/\=-
Still keeping vigil while she sleeps, Commander Dahe’el arrives in the Captain’s quarters to find one of Commander PontBrillant’s love notes, and he asked Ivanova about it. Lt Ebonheart hears of her friend Crewman Cecil’s visit to sickbay, and brings him chicken soup to help him feel better. Down on the planet, the engineering away team quickly sets to work preparing to raise The Pelican from the surface. Rumors of dropbears interrupt an Andorian tactical officer’s midnight stroll. Science sets off to the planet surface to do their own research and support engineer’s efforts, only to find themselves waylaid by the natives singing sea shanties. In the lounge, Dr Grant seeks the solace of the piano, and soon finds the lounge manager has convinced him return regularly and entertain the guests by tickling the ivories.
A look back at the time stuck on the planet gives us a little insight into the Pastafarian faith, their interactions with the natives of the planet, and the troubled mind of a girl who answers to the name Gnocchi. In a meeting with counseling, Noah agrees to get the last of his people off the planet, if they’ll put in a good word with the Captain to protect the native people of the planet. Krogoth and Waterhouse share a stroll and a battle of tongues in the corridor over her brother’s actions. Lt Ebonheart prepares for dealing with Mikkal by use of a rather intense holographic simulation. Dr Neyes checks in with JAG to see how Parsons and his team are settling in, hoping to smooth any ruffled feathers from the meeting between him and Ivanova, only to find that Parsons’ seems indifferent to the treatment he’s receiving.
A little blue furred visitor steals wires, chicken, and the captain’s affection when she stumbles into the ready room while being chased by Commander Dahe’el through the Jefferies tubes for the damage done to ship systems. Seeing the chief engineer leave the ready room without appearing to have entered it by conventional means, Waterhouse goes to check on Ivanova and meets the little blue terrorist herself. Down in sickbay, Dr Grant has a run in with a woman he’d hoped would have been left behind on K3: the noodle-headed girl named Gnocchi, and she’s more than a little high strung from the change in environment. Neyes soon gets the chance to inform Captain Ivanova of the agreement reached with Noah Waterhouse.
Commander PontBrillant convinced Captain Ivanova to take a break with him in the holodeck for some horseback riding, and a tour of the holographic copy of his historical family home. We’re given another look back at Kitaru Hirano before his arrival on the Vindicator, this time his attempt to follow through on the job falls apart when the honorable and well known Klingon he posed as was killed in battle elsewhere on the planet. Waterhouse and Novak make up for missed Targ Burgers on Qo’noS by catching up over home made pizza. Noah Waterhouse finds the Captain and offers to make her costume for the masque, selling her on the idea with three dimensional concept sketches by way of the holographic interface in the piercing through the bridge of his nose.
Major Koer finds himself a marine officer again, and assigned to Vindicator after leading a successful mission against the Orion Syndicate. On his ride to the Vindicator, he meets a medical officer named Ensign Bree’lanna Drake, and as a result of some shared conversation on their trip, lays the foundation of a new friendship. On earth, Dani, Zett, and Smith start the plan rolling that kills two birds with one stone: frees Andrea and family from earth, and starts in motion changes for the Cardello Syndicate. During the flight to Klingon space, Dani patches her charges through to the Vindicator to let them speak with Ivanova and Grant — the latter of which leads to lots of feels.
-=/\=- Mission Briefing -=/\=-
Noah Waterhouse has agreed to withdraw from the planet K3 under the condition that the native inhabitants be spared by the Klingon Empire. The Pelican has been risen from the planet's surface. Talks with the Klingons will take place and loose ends wrapped up preparation for departure back to Qu'Vat with the refugees.
-=/\=- Changes -=/\=-
Lt James Donaldson has been dropped due to a lack of activity or communication.
Lt Henry Novak is on LOA for the next two weeks.
-=/\=- Welcome -=/\=-
Major Koer is joining us in our Marine detachment, already weighing in with two logs.
-=/\=- Log Counts -=/\=-
Captain Rochelle Ivanova 10
Lieutenant Commander Amelia Waterhouse 10
Lieutenant Henry Novak 1
Lieutenant Te'shara R’heil 1
Lieutenant Chloe Ebonhart 3
Lieutenant Lily Charlson LOA
Commander Vlimar PontBrillant 3
Commander Almar Dahe’el 3
Lieutenant Dustin Shea LOA
Lieutenant Danielle Atarah 3
Lieutenant Junior Grade Saia Roswell 1
PO2 Rael Rayya 1
Lieutenant Kitaru Hirano Ph.D 1
Lieutenant Rotek 1
Lieutenant Commander Tristan Neyes 5
Commander Logan Grant 4
Commander James Archer Ex
Commander Gabriel Parsons 1
Major Koer 2
Norbert Bernard III 1
Sally Moffat 0
Total counts is listed as two numbers: the number of logs released/the counts by player contribution.
![]() Rochelle Ivanova, Captain Commanding Officer USS VINDICATOR, NCC-78213-E | ![]() Lt Cmdr Amelia Waterhouse Executive Officer USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E |
Category: SIM Reports