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Tue Apr 22nd, 2014 @ 12:12am

Lieutenant JG Reiki Greyhead

Name Reiki Greyhead

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Hirumarian
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 6'6''
Hair Color sivery grey with tiger markings
Eye Color golden yellow
Physical Description His body is covered with silver grey fur with tiger like markings. His head is that of a giant cat, his eyes are of a golden yellow. He has got whiskers and vibrissae around his head.
He has got paws with retractable claws. The paws of his hands are more slender.

He wears a full uniform while on duty. In his free times he avoids clothes whenever possible and usually just puts shorts on.

When talking to you, he will usually squeeze his eyes almost shut, since looking straight at humanoids causes most of them stress. He hates to smell this because it makes him feel *hungry* and distracts him from his work.
He is able to speak the standard language of the Federations. However his mouth complete with large fangs and long, rough tongue is just not made for speaking. It is hard work for him and it does not sound right. So what you will usually hear is the universal translator with the low growl or purr of his native language in the background.


Personality & Traits

General Overview He feels the voice of his instincts very urgently. His primal side allows him to work many days in a row (and sleep just as long afterwards), react extremely fast, feel almost no pain during hunt or fight and sharpen his sense to a point that almost enables him to read other peoples’ minds.
But in everyday live, his instincts are a burden to him. His rational side wants to do computer work and not hunt his crew mates.

That is the reason why, despite his physical strength and quickness, he will never have a career in security. His rational side is a lousy fighter – and if he allows his instincts to take over, he just cannot come to senses before hurting his opponent (or himself) badly.
Strengths & Weaknesses Politeness

Even though he tries to adapt to social conventions, he usually forgets to say “please”, does not give lengthy explanations and is usually brutally open. Even if he likes the person he is talking to.

That is because his nation’s idea of being polite is not about doing unnecessary things.
It is more about NOT doing things.
For example it costs him a large amount of self-control NOT to perch on the highest spot in a room, NOT lick his fur in the presence of others – and especially NOT smash your hand under his paw just because you were drumming your fingers on the desk.

He tries to ignore that people on space ships do all the things that would be very impolite in his world. They run without reason, jump up from their chairs, do all kinds of nervous motions and touch his body with their bare hands leaving their smell on him.
Fast motions are terrible hard for him to ignore and weaken his rational side.

He has often been asked to seek counselling or medication to repress his instincts.
He usually answers that he cannot be cured from having instincts because they are not a condition but his nature. They enable him to work hard.
“If you were distracted from work by feeling hungry it would not help to remove your stomach. It would help to wait until you can eat something. – My hunger is just somewhat more urgent. But so is the energy that I get from it.”
Hobbies & Interests The hunt. The hunt of a real living being.
Including everything that a real predator would do if the hunt was successful.
That is what he would say if he was honest. But he knows that he should not announce this to the regular Federation citizen.

So he usually gives the two second best things he can think of:
Being among other felines.
Being successful in his job.