Te`shara writes home
Posted on Sun Nov 11th, 2012 @ 11:59am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil
380 words; about a 2 minute read
Te`shara, was in her quarters, relaxing in her quarters with caitian juice to drink, she thought she'd send a letter home, tell thrm bout her new man in her life named john, she also described him as human, hoping they wouldnt hate her for this,its a different race outside her species, but she told them she would give it a try, since there isnt any other caitains on the Vindicator, she is the only one. TE`shara was on her padd explaining the whole situation, on how it all took place.
She never dated a human before, it was a new experience, for her,and i bet for john dating a caitian was a new experice for him as well. Te`shara
told her family she really enjoys his company alot, she never think he'd treat her bad, being caitian and if john knew what would happen to him.
Te`shara purr-giggled while writting her letter on her padd, letting her family know she really likes him. She also told me she was missing her good
Friend, who was the engineering chief, of thew vindicator she was moving to another ship, since the rest of the crew came aboard the new vindicator, THe chief Engineer, of the old Vindicator is akida, Te`shara is gonna miss her dearly ,she was like the only friend ,Te`shara had, she wanted to be near her vulcan mate, Vokar.
Which Te`shara did understand that, but still would miss her.But Te`shara was glad john stayed on the new Vindicator. He will just miss his kitty
sister, as Te`shara would miss her. Te`shara thought they could be realted ,but looked it up and said no there was no relation in akida's species.
She maybe hope to make a new friend on the new Vindi and hope she wont get lost, when doing rounds, and what not.
Te`shara finished her letter home, and closed it off to put through the ships computer, she had to get ready for bed ,she had an early start to get on,
in security, so she took off her uniform, and slept neikked in all her fur, and went to sleep,after her letter was sent.
Lt Te`shara R`heil