[Backlog] 241304.04 || Personal Log || LtCmdr Dahe'el || Earth is a dangerous place for a Cardassian.
Posted on Thu Apr 4th, 2013 @ 2:45am by
750 words; about a 4 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: Earth
=/\= Paris, France =/\=
When the Vindicator had reached Earth, the majority of the crew snapped up the shore leave as soon as they could, leaving only a skeleton crew on the ship, however Almar was a little more aprehensive about it since learning of the Cardassian involvement in the on-going war.
Earth was proving to be a dangerous place for the engineer, he'd taken to hiding out at one of the many galleries in Paris, given that he had been run out of a few bars he had gone to with some of the other crew.
Even in a cultured and quiet place as a gallery, Almar was still hearing hushed conversations and noticing that people were watching him intently, as if he were an invasion force all on his own, it didn't matter that he had kept his Starfleet Uniform on, including his communicator, all they saw was the colour and texture of his skin, he was one of the enemy and he had never felt so alone while on a supposedly friendly planet.
Moving from exhibit to exhibit, the Cardassian was growing bored and began heading towards the exit, the place seemed to be emptier than usual and he wanted a bit of company, thinking of the few friends he had in engineering, he knew some of them would be at a bar close by, intellectual types who preferred coffee over synthahol, the kind of people that Almar related to.
The doors of the gallery slid open and Almar was blinded by the sun temporarily, he shielded his eyes until they had gotten used to it, but as he did, he didn't notice the four men stepping around him, each held a blunt instrument and each looked intent on bringing the war to even the peaceful planets.
Looking up and around for a moment, Almar swallowed hard as he noticed the group, he wasn't a fighter, granted he could defend himself, but he was getting older and there were more of them.
"Can I help you?" Almar asked, his voice trembling slightly as he attempted to smile and appear friendly.
"Cardie scum! You shouldn't be wearing that uniform! It's a disgrace!" one of the smaller men shouted a moment before swinging the bar he had in his hand.
The blow was half expected and even though he had tried to move, it caught Almar in the chest and sent him stumbling backwards, a second blow caught the Cardassian on the side of the knee and caused him to fall to the floor, the men taking this as a sign to begin kicking and stomping on the defenceless Starfleet Officer.
Slowly the world went dark as Almar began to lose conciousness, his body was being beaten and he could only think that this would be the time he died, at the hands of the people he had sworn to protect.
=/\= Several Hours Later, Starfleet Medical Facility, Earth =/\=
"He's waking up!" was the first thing that Almar could hear as he opened his eyes, they felt heavy and he felt drained, like he had been working for 5 days straight with no sleep, his vision was blurred but he could see the face of one of the engineers from the Vindicator, Carrin.
"Wh... what happ... happened?" the Cardassian asked slowly, his mouth was dry and every movement made his whole head ache.
"You were jumped by a group of idiots," Carrin replied as the smile on his face turned to a frown, "Someone did alert security, but apparently they 'got away'." he added with emphasis and air quotes around the got away.
A nurse came over to the bed and checked some readings on the monitor before turning to Carrin, "I'm sorry but you'll have to leave, the Commander needs to get some rest before we can transfer him to sickbay on the Vindicator." she said with a slight smile as she handed him a padd, "If you could, make sure Captain Dar recieves this, it is a report on the injuries sustained by Lieutenant Commander Dahe'el, he should have already recieved a report on the incident in general."
"Alright," Carrin replied simply with a nod before turning back to Almar, "I'll see you back on the boat Chief," he said with a slight smile, "I'm sure they'll patch you up and have you back to work in no time."
Almar tried to smile but settled for a slight grimace before closing his eyes and drifting off to a drug filled sleep.