Uss Vindicator

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JDL | "Just a Moment" | aCO & CCO| |aCapt Neyes & MCapt King|

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2013 @ 12:35am by Captain Landon Neyes & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza

809 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: While Ivanova and Hawthorne are in Sickbay

=*= Marine Barracks, USS Vindicator =*=

"And you're sure about this?" Ellis asked looking at the sergeant that handed it to him. Ellis looked over the info again, "okay....keep this quiet, and hide all of your search attempts on this for right now."

The sergeant nodded turned and walked away. Ellis was slightly confused it wasn't a common thing for a career Marine to retire get pulled out of retirement and take a naval commission as a security officer. And the weird thing was there was no mention of orders giving her Marine commission back or why she was assigned to the presidential... err, fake presidential detail.

Pressing his badge Ellis contacted one his least favorite people the new acting CO. "King to Neyes we need to meet, it needs to be now and private."

=/\= First Officer's Office =/\=

Landon was taking a moment to himself, something he hadn't been able to accomplish for quite some time in the last few days. As the Vindicator was halted in space after coming to the aid of the Aegis pilots, and his new XO it would seem, the momentary lack of need for immediate action had been pleasant. Ivanova and her co-pilot were unconscious as far as he'd been informed. It had been a peaceful few minutes. Until now, of course. He tapped his commbadge from his seat at his desk, "Meet me in my Office, Captain."

Since the Olan had fallen ill, Neyes was faced with the very real possibility of commanding the Vindicator in a more permanent capacity. While the prospect wasn't entirely an overhwhelming one, there wasn't really much time to settle into the role. He'd been yanked into it and the issues seemed to mount after that point. Taking over Dar's office seemed like a step too far, though, and he wasn't ready to let the idea go that Dar would once again pull himself back out of this coma and come back to them. Hopefully everything would smoothe itself out and he could go back to learning how to command a starship like a normal officer would. Hopefully.

It didn't take long for King to get to the ready room and with the door being open already he marched right in and skipped all the pleasantries.

"It's been a long day and it isn't over, Captain. What do you need." Neyes didn't stand as the marine entered the office.

"Take a look at might not look like anything but the timing of everything I need you to use some of your favors or at least your rank to get some answers. It's rare or it doesn't happen at all." King said nodding to the PaDD he just handed over.

Neyes took the PaDD from Ellis and skimmed it over. "What am I looking at."

"Well I did what you asked me to do. I had some of my men secretly take photos of the presidential detail." Ellis said using air quotes around the word presidential seeing as he was a fake. "And all came back with the standard records except for this first Lt Black... and on top of it she served on the Griffin when this Ivanova woman we just saved was the XO... the timing of this all is just a little too coincidental, especially since we've never had a intelligence department aboard."

The information was all there for Neyes to see, but his primary concern was with the risk to the ship and its crew. "You believe this Lieutenant Black may be the saboteur the intelligence officer spoke of?" He paused, think about it for a moment longer, "Or do you suspect the Commander to be involved somehow."

"I think she was brought in to help root out the saboteur seeing as he/she could be a Marine.......I know most Vanguards are ex-Naval officers but the possibility of one being a Marine was never really been considered."

Neyes stood and made his way to the large windows looking out into the vastness of starry emptiness. He was running on empty at this point, trying to keep ahead of the snowballing effect this mission was having. A firm attitude was necessary though, and he was going to prove to this crew he was up for the task of comming the Vindicator.

Landon turned and faced the marine captain once again, "We'll talk to Ivanova together. We're still looking for the intel operative and the sabotuer, so coordinate with Williams until you find them.

King nodded figuring that this what the Marines were gonna be used for in this mission, "also I would suggest getting our pilots out for CAPs as well I doubt this lone runabout is the only thing around here that's Vanguard."

=/\= ENG LOG =/\=

Commander Landon Neyes
Acting Commanding Officer

Marine Captain Ellis King
Marine Commanding Officer


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