Te`shara on the prowl
Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2013 @ 5:20am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil
246 words; about a 1 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: the corridors of thew Vindicator
Timeline: SD:241307.21
=/\= USS-Vindicator=/\= ((ooc- its part duty and personal log)
Te'shara was on duty in security as usual, trying to take her mind off of john, she just wanted to keep her mind on her job as Security.
Even though she had alot to say, to him, and it was driving her crazy she thought staying on duty, woyuld keep her mind off of things, it was just another quiet day in security, except for the intruder on the ship...
Te'shara was prowling along the ship watching carefully, and hoping the intruder would be found by other security before she got a chance to grab him. she passed by other ship officers on her rounds either saying hello, or nothing at all. She kept alert at all times, one thing after another..
Ens Johnson came up to Te'shara checking in with her, and giving her his report on how other areas of the ship were, and Te'shara gave johnson her report too and the 2 compaired notes.. the 2 looked at each other talking bout their day in security and whats going on and what. not.
= a few mins later=
Te'shara and johnson left each other and headed, two different directions as Te'shara moved on, she had a long talk with johnson was very good to have, she kept walking on rounds after that, it was just a productive day For Te'shara just keeping her mind on work, and nothing but Security.
Lt Te'shara R'heil
Assist Security
USS- Vindicator.