BL | "Influx" | ACMO, Nurse | LtJG Cannon, Ens Terax
Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2013 @ 8:43pm by Crewman Moriah Terax & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Baciami
Edited on on Tue Aug 13th, 2013 @ 8:44pm
477 words; about a 2 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: Sickbay, USS Vindicator
Timeline: Immediately before "Oh no... It starts..."
=/\= Sickbay =/\=
"Oh, GOD. Someone help her! Please! Doctor!", a crewman screamed, holding a bloodied young officer across one shoulder. The man's face pained as he carried her to the closest unoccupied biobed.
Since the attack started, more than 30 crew had been planted in sickbay with various injuries. The deck rocked beneath their feet as the two doctors, and four assistants did their best to triage the worst of the patients coming in.
"Set her over on biobed twelve!" Moriah said, slamming a cartridge into a hypospray. "What happened." She asked helping the male officer as he lowered the woman down onto the bed.
"The plasma conduit behind the bulkhead ruptured. We were more than ten feet away! It couldn't have hurt her that badly could it?"
Mackenzie heard the tail end of the conversation, "Right, so burns, cuts and possibly some breaks if foreign bodies hit too hard." She looked over to see where Doctor Rofer was, but then gave orders to the nurses regardless about equipment she'd need to help this poor person.
"Doctor! This man needs immediate attention!" Another Nurse called from across the bay. As she spoke, another three officers came into Sickbay, each with massive burns.
One of the new crewmen shouted out, "Hull-breach on deck 29! The explosion filled section twelve!"
Moriah turned to the Doctor. "I'll triage these new patients, but we need more help. What do we do?" A little panic beginning to creep into her voice. There had not been so many injured so quickly since the young nurse had joined the ship, and it was quickly engulfing her ability to remain composed.
"There's not much we can do. I'd recommend just stabilizing people and dealing with the minor injuries last. We can only prioritise," she said as she git to work quickly on just the main injuries.
[["Medical Emergency in Main Engineering. Engineer injured by a discharge while working on the injector assembly, Lieutenant Waters has gone into labor"]] came the Chief Engineers's voice over the emergency comm line. The nurse looked up at the Doctor as a hard jolt rocked the ship, her hands beginning to tremble.
[["Bridge to Sickbay, we have multiple wounded in Engineering, send a medical team right away. Deck 29 is seriously damaged, I recommend you take an alternate route."]] The Captain's order followed.
Moriah's face stiffened as she reigned in her anxiety and panic, "Go ahead, Doctor. We can handle things here."
The doctor looked around to see if anyone could do that job for her but sighed as she saw everyone busy, "If you need me or Rofer, you know where we are." Picking up a medical kit, Mackenzie ran down the hallways, avoiding Deck 29 as best as she could.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
LtJG MacKenzie Cannon, M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Ens Moriah Tyrax