More Marine Acronyms
Posted on Thu Nov 1st, 2012 @ 12:58pm by Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza
467 words; about a 2 minute read
Mission: Ship Change Over
// Marine Lounge, USS Vindicator E \\
The marine lounge was packed with the entire company and two squadrons of fighters. Ellis had called an all Marine meeting with the new ship also came some new personnel mainly because of the set-up of Alpha Company and actually the battalion as a whole. "Alright settle down!" Ellis shouted over the den of noise, "I know we're packed in like sardines but I have a few announcements that effect both the grunts and fly boys."
The marines groaned, "alright that's enough!" Brad shouted.
"Thank you sergeant." Ellis said looking around the group, "alright Marine command felt that we needed some special trained Marines mixed into the company. Mainly combat engineers, combat medics for field and corpsmen for while on ship and than a new one combat controllers. When they're put into a squad the squad well be known as STS Special Tactic Squad. For example a CCTSTS would be a combat controller special tactic squad, CESTS combat engineer special tactic squad and finally CMSTS combat medic special tactic squad. These STS well not be used every single time."
Brad just shook his head never a big fan of these specialized squads he knew why they were needed and most of the time they worked just fine within the marine units.
"Now I need to explain what exactly a CCT or combat controller is." Ellis said, "the CCT is an old specOps position but it fit nicely into the redefined Marines. The CCT well be working closely with the CCIO Chief Combat Information Officer who in-turn works closely with the pilots. The idea for the CCT is to run bombing missions meaning they're the ones on the ground giving coordinates to the CCIO who'll pass them along to the pilots."
Marine Captain Tripae Lione stood up, "I'm Maine Captain Tripae Lione the Chief Combat Information Officer the CCTs well be fighter pilots that've had extra training as air traffic controllers as of right now we've three of them.......and they'll be mission specific and added to a squad if there's any chance of the mission going sideways and the mission needs air support."
"Alright Marine Captain Lione well be taking second platoon and training them to work with these CCTs. Gunnery Sergeant Colbert you'll be working with third platoon and combat engineers mainly the sappers. And finally First Lieutenant Izanagi you'll be training with first platoon and combat medics working on giving them support." Ellis said looking around the group, "alright get to it."
Marine Captain Tripae Lione (NPC)
Chief Combat Information Officer "Overwatch"
USS Vindicator E
First Lieutenant Ellis King
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion, Alpha Company
Company Commander
USS Vindicator E
Gunnery Sergeant Brad Colber (NPC)
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion, Alpha Company
Company Sergeant
USS Vindicator E
(NPCs played by Aza)