Cleaning Up
Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2013 @ 5:40pm by Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell
296 words; about a 1 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: Science Labs
Saia looked at the artifact on the table. It had been sitting there being evaluated when the battle began. It had fallen, rolled around and ended up nearly out the lab door were it not for the door settings. She looked at the scans and visual documents from before and now. It was damaged. She looked over a PADD of her staff to see if there was a restoration specialist. She made a note to ask Papa Roswell if he knew anyone. "Put it back in it's container. Mark it for sending away for restoration. I'll mark it where as soon as I find out."
She could have asked someone else to, but she began opening every drawer to check on the artifacts. The rest, the ones that stayed in storage during battle, seemed well in tact.
Of course, this was the last on the priority list. She had started out doing diagnostics on scanners and confirming readings. Everything seemed fine. Considering. She and her team had to do some double and even triple checking and even some manual calculations, but it wasn't catastrophic. Just inconvenient and tedious.
It gave her mind something to do other than her own demons. She ignored communications from Nara, Kevin, Saul and his wife other than saying she was alive and fine and making sure they were the same. She had started pushing them away. It's all she could think of in a way of dealing with herself. To ignore herself.
Focus on work. And the crew needed her to focus on work anyway. So she did. She got her labs back in order and sent work requests and did what she could herself. She delegated as much as to keep her staff busy, but took most of it herself.