JDL |MCO & CCIO & CSgt & Sec & MO| |MCapt King & MCapt Lione & GSgt Colbert & LtCmdr Caldwell & LtJg Cannon| SAR Prep
Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2013 @ 6:11am by Lieutenant Commander Mathew Caldwell & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Baciami & Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black & Staff Sergeant Indys sh'Ziri
725 words; about a 4 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: Various locations
=*= Marine Barracks, USS Vindicator =*=
To say that Ellis was pissed was an understatement if you had bloody Marine use them. It wasn't like they were gonna shoot first and ask questions later.
"TJ, Colbert and Zhara my office." Ellis said hitting his badge as he walked into the barracks. It didn't take long for the Marine lieutenant and two NCOs to walk in. "Alright the captain is sending over security and medical teams to all the damage ships that we believe well still have life on them."
Brad just nodded seeing it as a standard op especially after what happened. "But the catch is I can only send two of you and before you start arguing we're gonna comply with his orders and let him see first hand the mistake these orders are."
TJ this time shook her head but didn't say anything. "TJ head down to sickbay and see what you can do to help. Colbert and Zhara you're my two going over with the away teams get your stuff and wait to see where the away teams are meeting up." And with the that the three Marines left without saying a word.
=*= TiC/ToC, USS Vindicator =*=
"Ma'am.....I've got sickbay." One of the privates said.
"Good.....ah lieutenant Cannon, is it?" Tripae said hoping she had it right, "I'm Marine Captain Tripae Lione chief combat information officer. I'll be the overwatch for the SARs which means I need a nurse or a doctor to sit in front of this screen keeping me posted of how many wounded are coming in and what the away team is reporting to you. Is this a doable thing for you?" Tripae asked.
=*= Sickbay, USS Vindicator =*=
"That's my name," Mackenzie smiled, "Call me Mac or Doctor, I'm ready whenever to report."
=*= TiC/Toc, USS Vindicator =*=
"Good. Give me a second I need to check in with the away teams." And with that she walked over to another monitor, "this is Marine Captain Tripae Lione chief combat informations officer. Think of me as your fairy god mother. I'm here to help you, keep you safe and get you home. So that means I need you guys to talk to me. Are you capable of this?"
=*= Transporter Room, USS Vindicator =*=
Brad just smirked when he heard the Marine Captain's words. He wasn't armed to the teeth but had everything he thought he needed. His Mk I Marine Carbine, his Type 2 phaser and 3 flashbangs.
Matt Caldwell walked into the transporter room with his Starfleet Security standard issue. He carried his phaser rifle, with a type II phaser sidearm and standard tricorder. Glancing at the marines, he grinned slightly: "So which of you is in command of this operation?"
"Ummm......commander you're." Brad said looking at him, "and this isn't the greatest way to start a op out asking whose in-charge when you're the highest ranking officer in the room."
"Duely noted ..." He looked at the chevons and drew a blank: "Duely noted, Captain. Now we're just waiting for medical. Are your men equipped for the mission?"
"Commander I'm a gunny." Brad said getting very worried about this man leading the away team. And was wondering why King didn't fight for a Marine squad to go over as well.
"Alright that's enough." A voice over the comms said, "get ready your mission is simple locate any stranded members of the ships. Get them medical aide if needed and get them back over here. Before we beam them over you check-in with me than search them just in-case and than they'll be beamed over where members of Alpha company well escort them to sickbay for a more though check. Is this clear?" Tripae said.
"Understood" Caldwell replied, not knowing who it was he was talking to.
Caldwell looked to Colbert: "Set phasers to stun. I don't want any mistakes."
"Of course commander." Brad said making the change and nodding to Keira to do that same.
MCaptain Ellis King
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Commander
USS Vindicator
MCaptain Tripae Lione
Chief Combat Information Officer (npc by Aza)
USS Vindicator
GSgt Brad Colbert
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Sergeant (npc by Aza)
USS Vindicator
Cpl Keira Zhara
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Combat Medic (npc by Aza)
USS Vindicator
Dr Mackenzie Cannon
USS Vindicator
LtCmdr Matt Caldwell
Security Officer
USS Vindicator