Uss Vindicator

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JDL MCO & PL| |MCapt King & 2Lt Garza|

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2013 @ 6:35am by 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza

362 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Marine Barracks

=*= Marine Barracks, USS Vindicator =*=

"Ah.....lieutenant Garza glad were able to find a transport here we're always in need of a seasoned veteran. So let me get straight to the point. I want you and 3rd platoon to stationed at all the transporter rooms to receive the stranded from the various derelict ships in the system."

Jasmine took a seat and nodded it wasn't the most glamorous job but it was one that would prevent death or at least even more death. "Well they be checking them before they beam back over?"

Ellis nodded, "but they'll be quick checks. The sooner we can get them away from whatever horrors they saw on their ships the better. But they need be fully scanned before being escorted to sickbay by two Marines each time."

"How about the critically wounded?" Garza asked knowing they would be sent directly to sickbay but again you never know what kind of nasty things the Triad could've left behind.

"If critically wounded they've been given orders to do a detailed scan. Than the Vindicator well do a detail scan before transporting." Ellis said liking this lieutenant more and more. They were routine questions but question that needed to be asked. And usually weren't ask cause of the person being afraid at getting yelled at by their superior.

Jasmine nodded, "with two Marines escorting that's gonna be taking a lot from the platoon."

Ellis smiled again, "second platoon well be on standby for the first 8 hours.....than the second 8 first platoon well switch with third while you guys get some rest and security well do the escorting for the last 8 hours." Ellis said looking over at the still young but seasoned lieutenant, "anything else?" Jasmine just shook her head and stood showing she was ready to get her platoon ready.

"Alright dismissed." Ellis said watching her walk out. He than turned back to his computer he still had reports he needed to compile about the battle with the Romulans.

Marine Captain Ellis King
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Commander
USS Vindicator


Second Lieutenant Jasmine Garze
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion, Alpha Company
Third Platoon Leader (npc by Aza)
USS Vindicator


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