Uss Vindicator

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DL|CCNS|Lt. Larel "Trying to focus"

Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2013 @ 12:44am by

424 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Memorias Rotundum
Location: Cody's Office

Cody sighed as he sat down a padd he'd been reading. Ever since the staff meeting had happened, he had been sitting in his office combing through the crew's files. Fortunatley he hadn't had any appointments scheduled for the day, and was able to take some time and learn about the crew. Besides the few crewmembers he'd worked with and had appointments with, he hadn't really met a lot of people, and if he was going to do his job effectivley, he had to know if there were any outstanding issues he had to be concerned with.

Kicking off his boots, knowing he could grab them if he needed to, he drew his legs up under him. He was having a hard time focusing on what he was reading, and he wasn't sure why. He knew he had a lot on his mind, with the ship being relativley new to him, and the position being a lot more then he'd done on his previous posting. But that wasn't it, there was something deeper going on. Closing his eyes, he tried to focus on his thoughts, and block out the 'noise' he always heard from people's thoughts and emotions. Focusing hard on his own mind, he quickly realised something was wrong. The bad thing was, it was something he couldn't control.

With a frown, he opened his eyes and thought out loud "I'm driving my self crazy trying to focus on these damn reports, but I'm ignoring something so basic. I'm lonely, and I'm living in the past. My relationship with Nate is over, and I need to move on." Laughing slightly, he added "And now here I am talking to myself about this. Who knew I was still dealing with this stuff." Standing, he went to the replicator and said "Betazoid hot chocolate, with a bit of milk and whip cream." Moments later, the drink appeared, and he went back to his desk.

He knew he would need to make an effort to get to know the crew, to get his mind off the past, and try to move on. Nate certainly had, if the gossip from his former crewmates was any indication. Maybe he'd get lucky, and find a friend on the ship, and who knew, with time it could develop into something more. But for now, he had to focus on his duties, and the mountain of padds wasn't going anywhere. Picking up yet another padd, he tapped it, and began reading it.

=/\=End Log=/\=
Lieutenant Cody Larel
Chief Counselor
USS Vindicator


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