On the Road to Carida
Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2013 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant Commander Mathew Caldwell
278 words; about a 1 minute read
Memorias Rotundum
Location: Bridge, USS Vindicator
=/\= Tactical Station =/\=
Lieutenant Commander Matt Caldwell stood at tactical, watching the stars pass by as the Vindicator went to warp alongside the Crazy Horse. This was a standard escort mission. The Crazy Horse would sneak in and gather intelligence and the big guns of the Vindicator would be around to keep everyone honest and to restrain even the quickest Cardassian trigger finger.
As the journey progressed, he thought it would be a good time to run a weapons check. He looked down at the console and ran his hands across the controls. The shields were down, at the moment, but the shield emmitters were at optimal condition. In a few seconds, shields could be up.
The next step was to check the phasers. The Vindicator had 22 phaser emitters, all spread around the ship. While the most powerful arrays were located along the ventral side of the saucer, the dorsal arrays were still formidible. The phasers also checked out, and he reached over to check the final component.
The Vindicator also possessed 12 quantum torpedo launchers, also capable of handling other armaments. He checked the torpedo launchers, as the ability to fire a volley at the enemy was crucial for maintaining ship supremacy. A single forward torpedo launcher, however, failed to respond to the query.
He resent the command, but the torpedo launcher did not report. "This is odd. It was working when the ship left the dock." He tried it one more time, but still no responce.
Tapping his combadge, he called out: "Caldwell to Engineering, I'm having a problem with torpedo tube number 2. It's not responding to commands"
=/\= END LOG =/\=
LtCmdr Matt Caldwell
Chief Security & Tactical
USS Vindicator