Posted on Wed Jan 22nd, 2014 @ 7:31pm by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil & Lieutenant Commander Mathew Caldwell
327 words; about a 2 minute read
In the Dark
Location: Security Office
Matt Caldwell walked out of his office and headed over to Lieutenant R'Heil's desk, with a hot cup of coffee in his hand. Having attended the Captain's mission briefing, he needed to be sure that all preparations were made to ensure the safety of the Captain on the away mission. Bringing the Captain there for the negociation was less desirable than beaming up a delegation, but he supposed that it was a good way to show faith and congeniality to this unknown species.
"Lieutenant, I'm afraid we've just received our orders."
Te'shara looked at him,"we have sir?"she said sitting at her Desk.
"Indeed. We are going to be going on an away team to support the Captain as he begins some negociations. Meanwhile, a science team will be sent out to investigate an unknown material. The marines will guard the science team and we will guard the Captain. Have you worked a protective detail before?" He asked.
Te'Shara looked at Caldwell, "no but this is my first time." she said, as she gave attention to caldwell, her tail wagged, and her whiskers twinged.
"So were protecting the Captain, what will the Captain be doing?"she also asked.
"Negociating with this species. This is going to be something of a first contact mission. So, naturally" Caldwell replied: "we'll have to maintain the pretense of diplomacy. But Lieutenant"
He paused for a moment:
"Do not let your guard down. We mustn't be compacent. What's the velocity of phaser energy?"
Te'shara looked at caldwell," usually phaser energy from a phaser weapon is set on stunn, but the energy is about, 30%, is that right sir.?"she said standing at attention.
Caldwell shook his head: "It's the speed of light, Lieutenant. The speed of light. 3 hundred million meters per second. Well, you have your orders. Let's get this done. Dismissed!"
Within that Te'shara left to by on the away mission.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Lt Te'Shara R'Heil
LtCmdr Caldwell
USS Vindicator