SD 241311.17 | Duty Log | Ops | Ens. Locke "Dusty Cogs"
Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2013 @ 11:22pm by Ensign Markus Locke
570 words; about a 3 minute read
In the Dark
Location: Deck 22
Timeline: Enroute to destination
=/\= Deflector Control Room =/\=
"You'll find most everything you need here is already on hand, the last rookie- that is, junior officer, pardon my phrasing, sir. The last officer assigned to this station had turned this into a finely oiled system. For the start, I would suggest you just follow her system until you get a feel for it before you go making changes of your own." PO3 Holloway was a seasoned NCO, a veteran like most on the Vindicator, and seemed to have little time or interest on standing on the formalities of uniform rank.
Ensign Markus Locke was leaning towards liking the candidly plain technician who was tasked with showing the Ops officer his duty station and duties. "A good suggestion," Locke agreed as he looked around the machine-laden bay of the deflector control room, where the finely tuned technology lay that allowed starships to travel the universe without getting pulverized by microparticles and interstellar dust. "Are there any issues I need to be made aware of?"
"Sir?" Holloway queried unexpectedly.
"The system we're going to is dense with debris, so if there are any problems cropping up here or there, I think it is best if we know about them and have them fixed before we arrive and start seeing micropunctures in the hull."
"No problems since we left dock, Ensign Locke, and we keep pretty close tabs on it all."
Markus skimmed the stack of PADDs on the console with duty reports for the past several days, going back until he found the one he was looking for. "The Vindicator suffered significant damage in the recent engagement at Earth, did it not?" he asked, scrolling though the data on the chosen PADD.
"Aye, sir, and we've been working 'round the clock to get her spaceworthy again."
"No doubt," Locke said in token acknowledgement. "The repair log shows the primary deflector relays were heavily damaged and that an entirely new assembly had to be installed."
Holloway frowned slightly, but replied dutifully. "Which it was, completed in time even with the captain's rush to get underway." There was pride and dedication in the tone, a touch of defensiveness at an outsider, a newcomer probing their hard work. Locke could understand that and paid it little heed, not letting it all affect his line of questioning or his own tone.
"There was not a systems diagnostic after the install, however," Markus noted, setting the PADD down and facing Holloway squarely.
"There wasn't time," the NCO answered definitively.
"I suppose not, and our options are limited while we're at warp so a full check is out of the question," Locke agreed. "Still, I would like a level 2 diagnostic of the primary deflector array, completed before we arrive."
"Level 2?!" Holloway was indignant. "Sir, do you have any idea how long that is going to take?"
"I do, which is why we really don't have time to waste. Assemble the other technicians on duty and let's get to work." Markus could understand the NCO's reaction, it was likely all very unnecessary, but while their jobs may not be glorious, Locke wanted it done well and correctly and being new he did not have the intimate knowledge of what these systems had been though. Sad as it was, his staff was going to have to pay in time and effort for him to play catch-up.
= End Log =
Ensign Markus Locke
Operations Officer
USS Vindicator