Uss Vindicator

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JDL |"Skewed Moral Compass"| CCIO & MILO MCapt Lione & 2Lt Black

Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2014 @ 5:19am by Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black

547 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: In the Dark


Tea's since of a moral compass was skewed at best and it didn't help that she worked on the fringe of both Marine and intel. Not really having her feet in either hell she went naval for an assignment which led no where professionally and in actuality hurt her career more than it did to help it. But personally it actually gave her an actual friend -- maybe two.

Then there was the latest assignment decoy president op. Which she was sure was gonna be her last assignment, whether she survived or not. But here she was in this bizarre limbo knowing that all intel wanted was to get their hands on her and bury her. Seeing as the mission failed and yet somehow didn't cause a huge cluster fuck in the upper echelons of Starfleet mind you it didn't help that Earth was attacked shortly after the failed destruction of the Vindicator.

Yet she was still like a POW on the Vindicator only able to wander the Marine barracks, mess and gym or the TiC during duty hours. In which she was escorted there and back. Even in the TiC she only had limited access. "Here's those reports been waiting on el-tee." A CIO (combat information officer) said setting down several PaDDs onto her desk.

Tea just nodded picking the first one up it wasn't anything exciting just a routine scan of the planet. But as a intelligence officer she had to pay close attention to it. Especially with a culture that exiled anyone that wanted to use technology. And as of right now they still had no idea where those people went and if they have technology.

Standing up she walked over to the large holographic topographical map of the planet. Typing in some commands she started the upload of the latest scans onto the map. Rubbing her eyes she grabbed another PaDD and looked over the intel they did have on this species and culture. "How is it coming el-tee?" Tripae said walking in.

"The same as it was twenty minuets ago." Tea said wishing she had made some better decisions in her life. But either way she felt she needed to make the most of it.

"Check that attitude el-tee I know this wasn't exactly thinking of when you were force to join our crew. But your little arrival wasn't exactly smooth." Tripae said looking at the young first lieutenant. "Your gonna have to earn your dues. Hell I'm not even allowed to look into your operational past. So all any of these Marines see was a intruder who claimed to bleed green."

Tea just nodded as she zoomed into a certain area of the map hoping to get better view but it just distorted everything. "Be glad you can't view my operational past, it's not pretty." Tripae just nodded feeling more intrigued now than anything but decided to let be and let the new DCO deal with this one. And with that Tripae headed into her office to get some work done mainly setting up the beta shift flight crew.


Marine Captain Tripae Lione
Chief Combat Informations Officer
USS Vindicator (npc by Aza)

First Lieutenant Tea Black
Marine Intelligence Liaison Officer
USS Vindicator (npc by Aza)


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