Uss Vindicator

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SD 241401.31 | "Doo-Doo" | CO, mCO | Capt Landon Neyes, 2Lt Jasmine Garza

Posted on Sat Feb 1st, 2014 @ 1:47am by Captain Landon Neyes & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza

780 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: In the Dark
Location: Runabout Horizon
Timeline: The night of the 1st day, just after the creature attack

=/\= Runabout Horizon =/\=

The attack by the creature was still fresh in the air, and Landon had only just managed to keep his furious heart rate in check. The marine commander had ordered a strike on a native animal, without a moment's thought or analysis. What if they hadn't managed to scare it off? Why would they resort to phasers right away? Neyes' mind raced as he imagined all the ways the situation could have gone differently, both for the better and for the worst. What was the woman thinking, he asked himself as he paced the small sitting area in the center of the runabout. Understanding the marines were defending the camp was not the issue. No, this was more than that. It was done, he knew he needed to accept that and move forward.

Landon looked, a firm expression bolted to his face, and saw the marine Lieutenant entering the runabout. He wasted no time in getting to it.

"What the hell was that, Lieutenant?" Neyes asked, his voice barely staying under a shout.

Jasmine had to work to hold back her smirk, "I was protecting the camp and crew like you said. And before you say that animal wouldn't strike and was just curious I highly doubt that."

His eyes narrowed, "What difference does what I have to say about it make to you, Marine?" Landon asked her, throwing his hands up incredulously.
"You opened fire on a native creature of this world without any orders to do so. 'Protecting' the camp does not give you license to execute commands on a whim. The implications of this go way beyond what you thought was right. What if that creature was sacred to the people here? What if its instinct are to return in greater numbers?"

Jasmine didn't have a good answer for that one so she just kept her mouth shut. "I was doing what I thought was best to protect you, the XO and the rest of the team."

Neyes softened slightly. He had been a marine once in his previous host, and understood the attitude. It had to be that way, in his opinion. Whether Landon liked Marines, their attitude, or their lack of tact, they were a very necessary part of the Vindicator's missions. He didn't have the man-power to successfully execute many of their missions without the strong arm of the Marines at his side. Wishing they would make handling their antics a little easier, well that was something he just could help but want. Having to pull aside his Marine commanders after every single action he didn't agree with simply wasn't going to cut it. After a while... something was going to have to give.

"I appreciate your dutiful protection of this crew. I also understand the want or need to take action, but this is not a war-zone. We're on this planet as guests with a mission which requires cooperation with the people who live here. I need to know you're going to be able to handle a stressful situation in a diplomatic setting, while thinking about your actions before you take them.

"Not everything needs to be solved at the end of a phaser rifle." Neyes said calmly, but firmly, "Can you do that, Lieutenant."

Jasmine nodded, "Of course." Jasmine studied the captain for a second she was picking up something she knew he was a Trill but it seemed he also understood what it meant to be a Marine how much they differ from their naval counterparts.

For Landon's part, he was grateful for the opportunity to work with a newer, smaller section of the Vindicator's marine forces. Having King running a small army in the bowels of the ship had always set Neyes a little on edge, which also seemed to put him at odds with the military forces in general. Having a petulant Marine Captain running a battle-hungry horde of soldiers was less favorable than the Lieutenant commanding a detachment. Now that the Lieutenant was in charge of a much more manageable number, and King was no longer in the picture, Landon hoped to cultivate something of a positive relationship between them.

He was still Captain, however.

"See that you do understand, Lieutenant. This isn't one of those situations I want to see happen again. Now I assume you've reestablished our perimeter?"

"We've, Captain......and my recon snipers say they see no sign of any other creatures or anything." Jasmine said remaining at attention.

Neyes nodded to the 2nd Lieutenant and walked with her to the exit of the runabout. "Good. Dismissed."

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Captain Landon Neyes
Commanding Officer

2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza
Marine Commanding Officer


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