With Just One Look It Was A Bad Mess | CMDR Archer & LT Waterhouse
Posted on Sun Jul 6th, 2014 @ 5:13am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Commander James Archer
1,046 words; about a 5 minute read
Mission: In the Dark
Amelia Waterhouse paced the flight deck, waiting for her new boss to show up. He'd apparently taken a joy ride to get back to the ship after a conference on Mars, instead of taking the efficient route of riding in on the same ship that delivered her and the Ferengi woman. It reminded her of her mother's urges about fighter craft, so while she didn't understand, she couldn't necessarily fault it. She slid the bag of Jelly Babies out of her pocket, selecting a dark purple one from the bag.
James franticly pressed keys on the flight control systems, "Damn you piece of crap. Go faster. Computer, time until Notura is in transporter range?"
"Notura will be in transporter range in 5 minutes 17 seconds."
"Good. Computer, set auto destruct. Time, 5 minutes 25 seconds, silent count down." The computer chirped in acknowledgment. "Ok now I have to time this just right.
"Vindicator, this is Archer, over." James is greeted with static, "Great, jamming communication."
=/\= BRIDGE =/\=
The Vindicator's sensors detect four warp signatures entering the system, three Romulan, one Federation.
"Sir, four ships just entered sensor range, one Federation and three Romulan," Lieutenant junior grade Thalla Zheer spoke up, looking up from her tactical screen that had suddenly lit with activity. She made eye contact with Lieutenant Gavril Milosevic to await his orders.
Gavril looked towards Thalla, "Uh, on screen and hail the Federation ship." The young Lieutenant moved to the center chair and sat.
As James' commandeered ship drops out of warp he scans the area for the Vindicator. "Shit, I know she's here somewhere." The ship is rocked by a direct hit on it's starboard warp nacelle. "Crap, warp engines off line." James take evasive maneuvers as the sensors beep locating the Vindicator, "I hope this works."
=/\= BRIDGE =/\=
"Yes sir," Thalla responded, her slender blue fingers flowing across her console like it's an extension of herself. The visual that came up on the screen showed a smaller scout ship being fired upon by two Romulan ships and the Federation vessel. A moment later her fingers stopped moving. "Something is jamming communications, sir."
"Jamming them? Ummm. Yellow alert," Gavril stammered.
Without warning, James materializes on the bridge just a couple feet from Thalla phaser drawn.
Thalla had just reached to trigger the yellow alert as she heard the whine of a transporter. Her finger made contact with the console as she turned towards the sound to see who or what was beaming in. She instinctively reached for the phaser on her hip as she turned.
"What the hell? Who are you," Gavril demanded as he reached for his combadge and tapped it, "Intruder alert! Security to the bridge!"
James looks at the Andorian and fires, "Sorry, Doll," As Thalla falls to the deck he drops his phaser, jumps to the tactical console, locks the Vindicator's phasers onto the three approaching ships and fires several volleys. The streaks of energy immediately lay to waste the three smaller ships. Breathing a sigh of relief James looks at Gavril, "I need to speak with the Captain. It's rather important."
=/\= FLIGHT DECK =/\=
When the yellow alert sounded, Amelia narrowed her eyes and considered what to do. She was through and through a creature of Intel these days, but security officer training dies hard and instinctively she knew she needed to do something. When the intruder alert was sounded, she started towards the exit from the flight deck.
"Computer, source of intruder alert?" she demanded, her long stride covering ground quickly.
"Intruder alert initiated on the bridge by Lieutenant Gavril Milosevic," the computer answered. Amelia turned towards the turbolift as she cleared the flight deck and felt the shudder of the Vindicator opening fire. A string of curses, dancing between Klingon, Andorian, and Orion escaped her lips. She knew the crew was running light because all the attention turned towards the surface, she'd been able to glean that much in the time she'd been on the ship. Another able bodied person might not hurt on the bridge.
=/\= BRIDGE =/\=
Gavril glared at James, "Identify yourself!"
"James Maxwell Archer, Commander, Alpha 1-1-0-7." James recited, "Where's the CO?"
Down on the floor, Thalla stirred, her antennae thrashing in annoyance. She looked up at the man who stood at her station, and reached for her phaser as she moved to stand up.
"Down on the planet," she answered, aiming her phaser at Archer as she stood. "If you would step away from the console, sir."
James complies. "I need to speak with him. I have information, for him only, that he needs to hear."
Gavril glared at James. "Tell me and I'll relay it to him."
"I can't do that, Lieutenant. This information is highly sensitive."
"Commander, if that's even your rank, you boarded this ship, assaulted one of its officers, destroyed a Federation ship, possibly started a war with the Romulans, and you want me to let you speak to the Captain? Not going to happen." Gavril turned to the security team that just entered the bridge, "Take him to the brig!"
The security team moved forward without a moment's hesitation, a man and a woman each grasping James Archer by his upper arms, with another man keeping a phaser trained on him. They tugged him towards the turbolift they'd just vacated, seeing no need to speak.
Thalla finally started to lower phaser, thinking the situation was under control.
James gives no struggle as the security team leads him off the bridge. As the turbolift doors close, James looks at the male security officer, "I feel like we're going to prom. You want to kind of ease up a little?"
With a cold look, the male officer replies, "Shut your mouth."
As the turbolift doors closed behind the security team surrounding Archer, the other set of doors open and out strode Amelia Waterhouse. She looked around the bridge, and eyes eventually settling on Lieutenant Gavril Milosevic. At tactical, Thalla's hands flowed over her station, and both the yellow and intruder alerts shut off.
=/\= =/\= =/\=
Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Amelia Waterhouse
Infiltration Specialist
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Gavril Milosevic (npc, apb Archer)
Science Officer
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant JG Thalla Zheer (npc, apb Pond)
Tactical Officer
USS Vindicator