But Don't Worry, I'll never let you fall | LTCMDR Dahe'el, Lt Waterhouse, LtJG Zheer, 1LT Black & CN Thomas
Posted on Sun Jul 13th, 2014 @ 6:22am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Crewman Christian Thomas
1,121 words; about a 6 minute read
Mission: In the Dark
As she canceled the yellow and intruder alerts, Lieutenant Junior Grade Thalla Zheer noticed a tall red-headed woman walk out of the turbolift and focus her attention on Lieutenant Gavril Milosevic. It took her a moment to recognize her from the side, but it was her former Security Chief from the USS Griffin, Amelia Waterhouse.
"Pond?" Thalla said, and Amelia turned her attention to the Andorian woman. The serious look that painted her face melted away and Amelia grinned.
"Thalla, I thought I'd seen your name on the crew roster," she said, walking over to the the Tactical station. "What was going on here?"
"Someone calling himself Commander James Archer, beamed directly onto the bridge, stunned me, then used the Vindicator to fire on multiple Romulan ships and a Federation vessel, destroying them," Thalla explained, her fluid fingers bringing up the logs from the event. "Based on sensor logs, I think he'd beamed off the scout ship that self destructed just after his arrival."
"Figures I'd find myself working for someone crazier than me," Amelia muttered with a head shake. "Where is he?"
"Lieutenant Milosevic had security take him to the brig."
"I better go chase him, and see if I can figure why," Amelia commented with an eye roll. "We'll have to catch up later, maybe get dinner?" When Thalla nodded, Amelia grinned before heading straight for the turbolift.
Teá was in her quarters when the yellow alert went off. Luckily she was in jeans, white t-shirt and light black leather jacket. Jumping off her bed, she rushed out of her room and headed for the closest turbolift, calling for the bridge. As the doors opened she almost walked into whoever was entering the lift from the bridge.
Amelia didn't actually look at the person exiting the turbolift, she was so determined to catch up with this slippery guy who she'd been trying to report into for easily the last hour at this point. She simply grabbed shoulders, spun the two of them neatly around and let go once she was standing inside the turbolift and the other person was outside it. It was only when they stopped and the doors started to close again that Amelia looked at the face.
"Teá? Sorry I'm in a rush, I'll hunt you down later?" Amelia called out of the closing turbolift door with a wave and a grin. The turbolift doors closed on Amelia's question, rushing her away from the bridge.
"Amelia?" Teá's eyebrows raised as she spun and looked at the redhead. Shaking her head she spun and faced the bridge crew. "Where was she off to?"
The secondary turbolift opened and Almar strode onto the bridge amid a sea of concerned faces, he'd been locked out when the intruder alert had gone off and had been sealed in the lift until it had been cleared, he had a plan and he was pissed.
"I don't know and I don't care, I just want to know what the hell just went on!?" the Cardassian demanded as he relieved the officer in the centre chair and bought up the atmospheric information of the planet on the viewscreen.
"Three Romulan and one Federation vessel arrived in the system, only to be destroyed by one Commander James Archer. He's currently in the brig, sir," Thalla explained when the relieved Lieutenant Milosevic slunk back to his science station. Thalla shook her head slightly, her antennae bowed in pity, or was it disgust, at the human science officer.
"Hold him there, Starfleet has no issues with the Star Empire, if they find out about this, then he may have just caused us a whole heap of trouble, more than we're in now." Almar replied as he glanced down at the helm console and then up to the science station, "Anyone have any concerns about taking the Vindicator into the atmosphere?"
Teá glared at the Cardassian about to snip back when the Andorian tactical officer filled him in. "My main concern is the fact we just watched three Romulan ships blow up without us firing a signal shot or even really being prepared to deal with them."
Thalla looked at the woman who just spoke, her antennae curling in annoyance. So many people on the bridge today who shouldn't be. The woman looked familiar, and Thalla tried to figure out from where... What was her rank anyways? No uniform, but Thalla was pretty sure that the ranking officer was the chief engineer, not this woman. Thalla decided to look to the Cardassian for guidance and let him respond to the outburst.
A portly young man at the front of the bridge turned about in his chair, "Well I uh.. Sirs... and Ma'ams, err... Madams. The Vindicator is a very large ship, as I'm sure you're aware and well she's not exactly built for atmo. Bulkheads have to be specifically designed to a set point for aerodynamics, which is actually quite interesting because there are many similarities to nebular drag and atmospheres, but because of the gravity situation it poses an entirely different scenario... and well.. anway," he stammered for a second.
"With the sizable magnetic fields of Notura, a run near the planet could pose some very troubling issues for our engines."
"I was just gathering objections, they will be duly noted in the ships log, but we're doing it anyway," the Cardassian replied as he strapped himself into the command chair, the arms swinging over his lap and securing him in, "Prepare condition blue, all stations prepare for atmospheric entry,"
Thalla immediately transferred Tactical to the auxiliary station. Going into atmosphere was clearly going to be rough, given what Crewman Thomas had just said, and the primary station didn't have anywhere for Thalla to secure herself. She crossed the bridge to the station, and strapped herself in. She wasn't entirely sure why the chief engineer was taking the ship down into the atmosphere, she could only guess it was someone to do with searching for the missing command staff since the incident with Commander Archer and the Federation and Romulan ships wouldn't provoke this, but an order was an order. It was not her place to ask, simple prepare to follow orders.
"Tactical prepared, sir," Thalla reported.
Teá moved quickly to the auxiliary communication station so she could strap herself in. She also had work in communications so she wasn't completely useless. "Communication prepared."
=/\= TO BE CONTINUED... =/\=
Lieutenant Commander Almar Dahe'el
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Amelia Waterhouse
Infiltration Specialist
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant JG Thalla Zheer (apb Pond)
Tactical Officer
USS Vindicator
First Lieutenant Teá Black (apb Aza)
Marine Intelligence Liaison Officer
Crewman Christian Thomas (apb Landon)
Flight Control Officer
USS Vindicator