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If Wishes Were Dreams Realized pt II - JL Capt Neyes, Cmdr Ivanova, Commo Levine (apb Moo), Noturan Captor (apb Moo)

Posted on Sun Jul 13th, 2014 @ 8:22pm by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova

1,070 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: In the Dark

"She used to be an A student, too," Andrea nodded at Landon, ignoring Rochelle's comment. "But today, well," she twisted her nose, "it's like she forgot to actually connect the thoughts. Like dots. Thought-dots," her smirk grew into a grin.

"Personally," she gave Rochelle a knowing look and crouched close to the floor, "I'd guess it's the food," Andrea sniffed at the bowl on the floor and her face lit with an exaggerated expression of delight. "Mm, mm. I bet it tastes like chicken."

"And now I champion the stars. I'm still smart." The tired, wide eyed woman retorted against her friend. It wasn't the Ivanova the stars were used to. Not the fighting heroine of the skies. "Not quite." She scoffed, "It's nothing like chicken."

"Smart, yes," the Professor-turned-Captain nodded and casually ran a finger inside the bowl, mixing the remains, "but wise? Eh," she shook her head to the sides in a gesture of uncertainty, and then put her stew-covered finger into her mouth. "Mm. No, not chicken," she smacked her lips, thinking, "pork? hm," she looked at Rochelle, "this could go great in the next Admiral's reception. You think I can get the recipe?"

"Go ask them yourself." Rochelle replied, forgetting that visitors weren't real as she watched Andrea's shenanigans and looked towards the flickering mirage that was Landon

Andrea grinned and looked at Landon. "See? What did I tell you?" she ran her finger in the bowl and licked it again, "no way she's acing my midterm today."

The redheaded Commander tugged on her tattered night clothes and folded her arms across her chest. A thin brow arched high over an eye, her left to be exact, as she looked between her two apparitions. "What the Hell do you want me to do? Lick it and tell you the Colonel's secret combination of seven herbs and spices? Come on now! Who cares what crap they're trying to shove down my throat. It's not important!" She all but bellowed.

Andrea shook her head with an exaggerated disappointed look. "If it's not important, why are you thinking about it, genius? Remember, we are not really here. We're manifestations of your inner-most thoughts and subconscious," She smirked, and her voice took on an exaggerated professorial mannerism.

"So, Captain Neyes here," she waved at him merrily, "hi! So he's what? Your feely-feelings? Your remorse? Guilt? Oh, yes. Your emotions, the kind that bubbles under the surface," she gestured with her fingers and winked. "What do you think that makes me?"

Rochelle opened her mouth in quick protest, but snapped it shut and shook her head. She wasn't ready to go there. Landon had already said something about cannibals. No. She wouldn't go there at all. Not now. Not ever. Not when these people derived from human settlers.

Andrea spoke again, grabbing at her attention and refusing to let go. She asked about the handsome Trill, causing her eyes to avert back to his shimmering form in the cold. "He is what he is." She whispered. So much, she failed to add. Landon was her forgotten hope.

"You?" She asked, turning her head back to her friend, "You're what you always are. Science. Logic. Education... Structure. That's what you are."

Andrea's smile expanded and her eyebrows lifted. "Am I?" She crouched again and looked at the remnants of stew. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just hungry," she flicked her finger across the grimy bowl again and sniffed at it, "what is that flavor?" she licked it, smacking her lips again, "it's so.. gamey."

"No." Rochelle shook her head, begrudgingly limping away from the eerie comfort of Landon's image and towards Andrea's persistent whining. "You're not hungry. In fact, you're suspicious of the food, not impressed with the flavor, and wondering why they're holding you like this. It doesn't make sense that they haven't laid their demands out for you which means... It's personal? No." She paused, a foot away from the taller blonde Commodore. "It's not personal against me. It's personal for them. It's... FUCK! Think!" She yelled as if that would clear the invasive fog from her whirling mind.

"Gosh they look awfully familiar... How many bipedal species are on this planet again?" Neyes drolled.

Rochelle's head snapped around to give her an eyeful of Neyes. So calm. So collected. So him as he left his well placed jab against her tired mind. "They're Noturans..." She sighed with a nod. "But they're here... In these tunnels. Living." Now she looked to Andrea, her brows furrowed as she started to filter and sift through the fragile puzzle pieces as they revealed themselves to her one by precious one. "Noturan outcasts... Political? No... They'd have simply killed outcasts. This society is so... So..." She snapped her fingers searching for the right word, "Medieval."

"Crazy." Andrea chimed in at the exact same time, and then shrugged with a smile, twirling her palm in a "go on" gesture.

Rochelle shrugged. To each their own, and yes... Yes they were crazy. "So... It's something I -- we... We have." She continued, turning a circle and teetering sideways against a wall, scraping her shoulder through her night shirt. "But what do we have? Dental care?" the redhead snickered lightly at her own stupidity, "Technology... We have technology." She looked up towards Andrea and Landon expectant of their approval.

"Ah," Andrea nodded severely, "technology. Yes, it's wonderful, isn't it?" she continued with a voice that implied the opposite, giving Rochelle a blank stare for a moment.

"But, well, do you think they know how wonderful it is?" the older woman's voice suddenly changed to a hush and she nodded casually at the door.

The redhead sniffed indignantly, shaking her head "Obviously." She replied, quickly cut off by the savagery of the door being thrown open.

In fact, the door wasn't just thrown open - it exploded inwards, allowing a gust of warm wind to fill the stuffy cave room. Loose strands flew gently around Andrea's face as she looked up at the door as the boss entered, his dirty coat caked with melting snow.

"Wake up, top dweller. We speak now."

To be Continued...

Apparition of: Captain Landon Neyes
Commanding Officer

Commander Rochelle Ivanova
Executive Officer

Apparition of: Commodore Andrea Levine (apb Moo)
Starfleet Academy professor

Noturan Captor (apb Moo)


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