SD 241407.26| Joint Duty/Personal Log: Coming aboard
Posted on Sun Jul 27th, 2014 @ 5:06am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Edited on on Sat Aug 16th, 2014 @ 6:13am
1,165 words; about a 6 minute read
In the Dark
Location: Undecided
~*~ Start Joint Log ~*~
After weeks of free time risking her neck on one simulation after another, space diving, Klingon fighting programs, terrorist infiltration, etc.. Chloe had gotten new orders. She found herself being transferred to the USS Vindicator a ship that seem to have some promise. She was going over the crew manifest seeing who's who and if there was anything she should know about that person. Of course everyone checked out, which she didn't doubt they would.
Looking at the copilot console to see where they were at she saw they were coming up on the Vindicator. Looking out the viewing screen to get a better look of the massive ship she was amazed that this was something she would be living on now and working to keep the ship secure. Of course she couldn't wait to get on their holodeck, lately the only time she felt alive was when she was risking her life on one dangerous act or another.
"This is the Shuttle Remington requesting permission to dock." The shuttles pilot requested of the USS Vindicator.
The operations officer on duty looked over the information for the USS Remington, and opened a channel to respond. "Copy that, Remington, you're cleared for docking." He sent the docking information to the ship.
"Confirmed cleared for docking, thank you Vindicator coming aboard." The pilot confirmed starting the docking procedures to dock the shuttle Remington in the docking bay of the USS Vindicator.
Chloe gave a nod to the Pilot. Grabbing her duffel bag the rest of her things in the back to be transported to her quarters once she figured out which ones were hers. She moved to disembark onto the Vindicator.
The shuttle bay crew coordinated with the pilot to bring the shuttle safely in, and when the door of the shuttle opened, there was a crewman waiting.
"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant," he said, his nose in a PADD.
"Thank you, um who do I check in with around here. I've gotten all the recent news about the Acting Captain being in sickbay, and what not." Chloe said her tail flicking slightly in annoyance.
The crewman looked up and considered Lieutenant Ebonheart a moment as he ran through the mental list of who was in charge. Technically Commander Dahe'el, but he'd left the ship in such a state with his daring heroics to retrieve the command team, it'll be a wonder if he'll see anything other than the inside of a Jefferies tube for a while. That red-headed spook maybe? He heard whispers from his friend in security she'd been security in her past life, and she'd been jumping in and just taking care of stuff since she got here. She'll know what to do.
"Lieutenant Waterhouse is probably your best bet, unless you're brave enough to go into Engineering while it's working double time to repair the ship," he finally answered, his eyes noticing the movement of Ebonheart's tail, and following its movement for a second. He leaned close, and dropped his voice into a whisper. "If it were me, I'd stay clear of the Cardassian and Engineering."
"Engineering was never one of my favorite places to be anyways." Chloe told the man in a co-conspirator kind of tone to her voice. "So where can I find this Lieutenant Waterhouse?" Chloe asked a noticeable purr to her words to show her definite feline heritage.
"Let's find out," he said, raising an eyebrow with a small upward turn of his lip at the security officer's purring tone. He escorted her to the exit from the shuttlebay before addressing the computer. "Computer, Location of Lieutenant Waterhouse."
"Lieutenant Waterhouse is in the mess hall."
"Would you like an escort, or will you be okay on your own?"
Chloe almost denied the offer, but well she didn't know this ship well just the blueprints of it. "Escort would be nice." Chloe said.
"Of course, ma'am," he said with a wide grin, gesturing towards the door. "After you, a left in the corridor," he instructed.
"I prefer Chloe," She told him as she left the shuttle bay and turned left. "And you would be?" She asked with a smirk.
"Crewman Cecil duPont," he answered, slipping around her to trigger the turbolift before she reached it.
"Nice to meet you Cecil." Chloe said not use to people opening turbolifts for her. "So what do you do around here?" She asked curiously.
"I do whatever needs doing, I'm a yeoman," he explained, waiting for the door to close behind her before speaking again. "Mess Hall." The turbolift hummed to life, and whisked them towards their destination.
"Really? so then you could help me find quarters?" Chloe asked leaning against the wall of the lift her tail twitching slightly.
"If no one higher up the chain yanks me away first, sure," Cecil returned, standing with his PADD clasped behind his back. His eyes dropped to the movement of Chloe's tail as the lift moved, until it stopped again. "After you, you should see the doors to your right."
"Not coming with me?" Chloe asked as she started out of the lift seeing the doors to the right.
"I'm on your six, ma'am, but rank first," he explained, following her.
"Again, It's Chloe." The feline said with that natural purr heading through the door he'd mentioned looking for this Waterhouse.
"I'm sorry, ma- Chloe," he returned, following her into the mess. His eyes scanned the room, looking for the red-head in the gray Intel uniform. It wasn't very busy, and he spotted her alone at a table with a mug of soup. "This way," he indicated, moving in front of Chloe.
Chloe gave a nod and started towards the table he'd indicated. "Lieutenant Amelia Waterhouse?" Chloe asked the redheaded woman.
Amelia looked up from the chicken noodle soup she'd been sitting with her nose in the steam of, to see what she could only describe as a cat girl.. must be a Caitian-Human mix Amelia mused as her eyes were drawn aside by Yeoman duPont moving out of the way. The young man had latched onto her as a source of authority for some reason, and Amelia was still unsure as to why. Probably because she just figured out how to get stuff done. With the sudden vacuum of the usual command staff, and Commander Dahe'el having to take command and patch the ship up at once, it left it hard to find people with authority, and with the way some of the crew treated him. Amelia shook the thought away, and looked to the woman standing in front of her again.
"You can call me Pond," she insisted, standing and offering a hand to shake.
Chloe gave a smirk. "Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart reporting for Duty." She said handing her padd over to Pond standing a little more at attention.
~*~ To Be Continued ~*~
Lieutenant Amelia Waterhouse
Infiltration Specialist
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator
Crewman Cecil duPont
USS Vindicator