Joint Duty Log - Lt Rotek & 2Lt Garza - "All the Glitz and Glam"
Posted on Tue Aug 12th, 2014 @ 4:43am by Lieutenant Commander Rotek & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza
938 words; about a 5 minute read
In the Dark
Location: Awards Ceremony
= V =
After all the awards were handed out it was the part of the evening that Jasmine truly dreaded the rubbing shoulders with people. Luckily their was champagne flowing which did help loosen her up giving a couple of polite nods as she searched for a quiet area or empty table. Seeing a table at the back she made a beeline for it hoping that no one else saw it.
Rotek tugged at the neck of his dress uniform slightly. He'd never enjoyed wearing them, regardless if they made him look good. He knew the stark colors of the uniform went well with the dark tone of his skin, and the tight braid he wore his long hair in. Despite all that, he was uncomfortable. He didn't know anyone, except the man he'd met earlier, and he didn't feel like small talk. Seeing an out of the way table, he made his way towards it, politely weaving his way through the crowd.
"Shit." Muttered Jasmine seeing the Klingon also making his way to the table. Maybe he's one of the silent brooding types. That thought did make Jasmine laugh a little as she continued making her way to the table.
As he reached the table, he saw another officer had reached it as well. Sighing, he turned to walk away and said "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were intending to sit here. My apologizes. I'll find somewhere else to sit."
Doing a quick debate in her head Jasmine felt that if she wanted to reverse the damage that Ellis did to the Marines reputation on the Vindicator she needed to be more open. "No please you can join me. I just needed somewhere quiet to sit."
Nodding, he waited for her to sit, then joined her. Deciding to be cordial, he said "I'm Lieutenant Rotek, soon to be Chief Medical Officer on the Vindicator. And you are?"
"Second lieutenant Jasmine Garze 51st Marine Recon Unit commander." Jasmine said realizing what a mouth full that was. "Sorry for the long title." She said sipping on her champagne.
Nodding, and sipping his champagne, he said "It's nice to meet you Lieutenant." Pausing, he added with a very small grin "Are these functions as uncomfortable for you as they are for me?"
"Very much so. I'm not the greatest people person and also I don't do large crowds well which I think is a Marine thing in general in all honesty." Jasmine said with a smirk as she consistently scanned the room realizing how many high ranking officers there were at this event. But also knowing that her men were keeping a close eye on everything.
Smirking, Rotek replied "With me, I enjoy being around people, but right now, I've got a lot on my mind. I'd rather be settling in my quarters aboard the ship and focusing on getting familiar with the crew's medical files."
Jasmine nodded, "I just get antsy when we've so many high ranking officers all in one place. But I do understand wanting to familiarize ones self with the crew. In all honesty I'm still in that process."
Taking another sip of his drink, Rotek forced himself to be conversational. Smiling, he said "So tell me about the ship. I've only read the occasional report, and the specs. I don't know a lot about it to be honest."
"It's a very very close knit ship." Jasmine said deciding to leave out the fact that Marines were working very very hard to repair their reputation. "In my opinion a bit tough to get to know some of the crew but worth while in the long run to be persistent to get to know them."
Nodding, he replied "I look forward to getting to know everyone then. I also hope there are some friendly young men aboard. It would be nice to meet a new...companion." Realizing he had spoken without thinking, he blushed, and stammered "I'm sorry Lieutenant. I don't know what came over me. I don't typically speak so ... openly about that aspect of myself."
Coughing Jasmine quickly regained her composure, "I I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. It it's just I didn't realize Klingons were....err I mean......" Jasmine just closed her mouth quickly deciding to shut up before she made a fool of herself. "This knowledge is safe with me if you.....well....." She said again just letting that sentiment hang in mid air and Jasmine feeling like a complete ass.
Shaking his head, Rotek replied "I'm not ashamed of my sexuality. A lot of my fellow Klingons don't seem to share my beliefs however. If I can be blunt about it, they have gone as far as telling me it is not honorable. Or they have suggested I just need the love of a strong Klingon woman to fix me up."
"I'm sorry to hear that hopefully you'll find some more tolerance on the Vindicator." Jasmine said giving the Klingon a smile as she took another sip of her champagne.
Smiling, he said "I hope that as well. Thank you for your kind words Lieutenant."
"Your most welcome and I'm always one to be here of you need to talk." Jasmine said being 100% genuine how effective she might be at it was a totally different story but she was willing to try to get people to see her in a better light.
Nodding, he sat back in his chair next to her and continued sipping on his drink.
=/\=End Log=/\=
2Lt Jasmine Garza
51st Marine Recon Unit Commander
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator