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Joint Duty Log | Lt. Rotek & LtCmdr. Waterhouse | "Saying Hello!"

Posted on Thu Aug 21st, 2014 @ 7:31am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Lieutenant Commander Rotek

601 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: In the Dark
Location: XO's Office

=/\=XO's Office=/\=
Rotek paced nervously in front of the XO's office. He knew he'd already been working in Sickbay, and that reporting in officially had been sort of ... forgotten. He hoped the Commander would understand and appreciate his attention to detail. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the chime and waited for a response.

Amelia looked up from paperwork. The bane of her existence was paperwork, and she'd thought she'd had a lot when she'd been Chief of Security on Griffin... that was nothing. The chime to her office was a welcome distraction.

"Enter," she called, glancing to the tea service and her box of tea sitting at the corner of her desk. She'd been so glad to find the stash she'd forgotten Gran'dad had sent.

Rotek entered nervously, a padd clutched in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he said "Lieutenant Rotek reporting officially for duty ma'am. I apologize for not doing so earlier, but I felt ensuring Sickbay was ready before our departure was equally important."

Amelia smiled, looking up at the half-Klingon who stood before her. Not very far up, he was short in stature for someone with Klingon blood, even diluted. She stood up behind her desk, waving him towards a seat as she found herself now looking down at him.

"No apology necessary," she insisted. "It sure beats how I reported in on this ship... chasing my department head down and finding him in the brig." She winked.

Taking the seat, he handed her the padd he was holding and said "Thank you ma'am. I wanted to let you know I've inventoried the medical supplies and have confirmed the rest of the shipment from the station will arrive in a few hours. Was there anything else I may have forgotten?"

Amelia accepted the PADD as she sat down again. She was surprised she didn't get a reaction to what she said, most people would at least find it amusing enough to turn a corner of a lip. She pursed her lips and considered the doctor sitting in front of her. "It sounds like you've hit the ground running, I look forward to sickbay running efficiently," she observed, skimming over the information on the PADD as she spoke.

Nodding, Rotek noticed she reacted to him not laughing at her story. Pushing down a sigh, he replied "Thank you ma'am, I'm sorry if I seem a bit ... remote, I assure you it is due to some personal issues, and will not affect my duties."

"I would expect nothing less," she returned, then realized how harsh that might come across. She smiled gently. "I mean, I trust you won't let it get in the way, but I do hope whatever it is can be resolved... Or failing that, at least soothed. Is there anything I can do?"

Sighing, he replied "Not ... yet ma'am. Maybe with time I'll be open to speaking about it. For now its a bit too ... difficult." He hoped he hadn't given away too much. He wasn't ready to let himself deal with it yet.

She sighed. "I know we just got a counselor on board, please consider playing him a visit."

Nodding, he said "I will take keep it in mind ma'am. Was there anything else before I get back to work?"

"That should be all. Welcome aboard, Lieutenant," she answered with a smile. She stood up to offer him a hand to shake.

Standing, he shook the offered hand and quickly made his way back to Sickbay.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lt Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator

Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator


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