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Joint Log | Capt Ivanova, Cmdr Grant - "Walk This Way"

Posted on Sat Nov 1st, 2014 @ 3:22am by Commander Logan Grant, PhD. & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova

2,022 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: All Hallows’

Tearing himself away from Andrea and his children so soon after their arrival had been a nightmare, but the bigger nightmare had been what happened in the arboretum. He and Tristan both had seen the medical reports, had managed to curl their fingers around the security notes and all of it had been in the name of mental health support after an attempted rape. It was more than that, though, it was psychological warfare against the Vindicator as an entity – the Captain had been attacked when not even half a year had passed since they’d lost Captain Neyes to the hand of misfortune. Still, deeper it went...

There were Romulans.

Their attack had left the entire ship shaken no less than seventy-two hours past Mikkal's attempted rape of the plucky little Captain. But that was just it - Rochelle wasn’t just a Captain, she was family and family wasn't simply attacked without bigger repercussions and, predictably, those repercussions had come enforce. The meeting between the warrior Queen's knights, while it needed to happen, was a rouse, a cover that would forever alter history and leave it known, albeit in a clandestine fashion, that the Vindicator stood firmly behind her Captain. They'd die for her.

Logan wouldn't have cared if the decision had been made to kill the Atlantean. The son of a bitch deserved to pay for what he’d done and the damage that had been created. It would run deeper than emotional and physical pain inflicted upon Rochelle, it would hurt the Vindicator as a whole as the incident was investigated by JAG and other powers that be. Come what may, the counselor knew he’d fight for her, stand up for her. She’d been through enough heartache and misery already. Vlimar PontBrillant, as far as he was concerned, was just as much at fault for this as Mikkal, and Rochelle was simply the innocent bystander who had allowed her kindness to be taken advantage of during a period of great hurt and confusion. He was a predator that preyed on a woman who hadn’t been given a chance to mourn the loss of someone she loved. Someone she loves
“Seems you’re tougher than you look.” Logan tried to joke with the redhead that sat across the coffee table from him, “ripping the guy’s eyeball out, that takes a certain degree of tenacity. Surviving a Romulan attack complete with blown ceiling panel to the face? I'm more than impressed. The crew are whispering about your zeal in battle again.”

“I should have done more.” Rochelle replied, her lips pursing together as she tucked her legs further up underneath herself. The corner of the couch had become her chosen perch again. There was no tea, no little cookies or gingersnaps to be shared. Logan had insisted upon cooking her dinner and had followed through with gusto. She’d never known the man could cook, at least not with the 'zeal' that he’d displayed in her kitchen. Andrea was a lucky woman, truth be told. She stared at their emptied plates and glasses of wine that he’d insisted on bringing and pouring no matter how loudly she’d protested. Rochelle was done with wine and everything to do with grapes and vines and France. She’d allowed someone to expose a chink in her armor, and worse, exploit it. That alone was enough to drive the fierce little firebird to darkness. It was time to reinvent herself, to once again spring from the ashes of this ruin and rebuild. Bigger. Stronger. A better wall that no one could penetrate.

She’d told Almar that she’d discovered that she had so much more to her life than simple duty, that she’d discovered each facet as she lost it. Death, decay and dishonor all stole from her what should have been hers to keep for all eternity; people, places and things she’d carefully set value to. Providence had smiled at some points, and back handed her at others. What happened in the arboretum was a sucker punch and she was still reeling from it. The Romulans? They were an after thought. A walk in the park compared to the emotional damage Mikkal and Notura had inflicted.

Logan’s head shook slightly and his usual boyish grin crept back across his lips, “The way I see it, he’ll get his just desserts. The Atlanteans won’t take kindly to his actions and Starfleet will shove the book up his ass. You just need to hang on tight and defend your right to have a private life. You did nothing wrong, Captain or not you’re still a person and people are allowed to have friends, relationships and start and end those relationships as they please.” He shrugged, “simple as that.” He’d have told anyone the same thing, Starfleet couldn’t dictate what she did, they could only dictate that she not do it while on duty or allow for it to interfere with the ship’s greater functions. Responding to a love note with the intention of ending something before it began was hardly reason to lynch a seasoned and respected officer. The ship’s whispers had all been in support of her, loving her, wanting to protect her. PontBrillant and Mikkal on the other hand… They’d become nothing but thieving jackals to the public eye.

“That may be true, but it doesn’t stop the way I feel.” Rochelle sighed, licking her lower lip and cradling her face in the coolness of one of her hands, the coordinating elbow resting against the arm of her couch. She was still so very sore from both battles, Romulan and moron.

“You did what you had to do. If Landon were alive he’d understand why you used his name to try and slow the son of a bitch down and it worked, Rochelle, it worked. You’re alive, you weren’t raped or murdered and at the end of the day that’s all that matters. You were resourceful, not dishonorable.” Logan’s finger wagged at her in its own rebuttal, defying her logic that trying to throw Mikkal off by claiming she was pregnant with the child of the deceased Captain was dishonoring his memory. It had been a sorry attempt, though. A simple look in her direction was all that it would take even a complete idiot to see that she wasn’t with child. Even curled up under blankets and hiding in a cowl-neck sweater, she was the picture of feminine strength and fitness. She was sleek and elegant without even a hint of even the start of a pregnancy to be found, much less a pregnancy that would have been poised to begin its third trimester at the very youngest. The attempt had been enough, though, and he would forever be thankful for it. Landon, he was sure, was thankful for it -- or at least he would be if he ever found out.

It was Rochelle’s turn to shake her head. Her eyes closed as she cast away the thoughts and words the counselor offered her in fair turn. The lie had bought her the distraction she'd needed in order to find her in, her chance to get through Mikkal's brutal offenses. "If I didn't..." She sighed, reopening her eyes and looking at her friend.

"If you didn't love Landon it would be different." Logan finished it with an understanding nod.

"Yeah. Exactly." She nodded and chewed on her lower lip, her eyes casting downward to search the lines of the table.

The counselor sighed and shook his head, reaching to gently gather her free hand in his much larger ones, "Don't be afraid to admit it. Be proud that you love him, cherish the good memories. That's his chance at immortality, right there, deep in your heart and soul." The fact that the man say, or sat, or paced alive and relatively well several decks below was of little consequence at that point. While Logan truly believed that it was indeed Landon Neyes down there, other parties were more skeptical. Lying to Rochelle, albeit by omission and for her own protection, was slowly wearing him thin.

"I miss him, Logan." Rochelle smiled sadly, her lower lip trembling with the threat of unbidden tears. It had been so long since she'd admitted that fact to anyone other than herself, and the taste of those words on her tongue were bitter enough to choke her. "God, I miss him."

"Hey..." Logan was quick to rise and round the coffee table to sit beside his precious friend. His arms were just as quick to envelope her into a strong, steady hug. "Shhh... It's ok, Rochelle. He's in a good place. He's safe now." He murmured into her hair as he held her close to him, mindful of her strained muscles. Medical science had been able to work miracles, but time still healed all wounds and time was finally what held the phoenix captive, forced her to relax and take it easy while it worked to knit the least damaging of her injuries. Rotek had done well, but even he wasn't a God. The counselor knew how she'd perceive his words, but it wasn't as if he were lying. Landon was safe and in a good place. He too was healing, though pensive as he waited to be cleared. The bigger question now was how Rochelle would handle the resurrection of the man she mourned.

The redhead nodded and allowed Logan to manipulate her into his arms. Like Almar he was strong, steady and familiar. He'd never hurt her, not in a million years, and his voice rolled like thunder through his chest and into her own as she curled against him, closing her eyes and simply allowing the tears to roll. "I know." She forced in a whisper, "I just wish I could have saved him."

"I think in many ways you did. You were good to him, supported him, gave him a chance when so many others were thinking he'd fail as a Captain." Logan replied, rubbing her arm.

"He wouldn't have failed." Rochelle sniffled, a small smile tugging at her lips in spite of the tears, "He was so strong, Logan, so strong. They could have put a Tribble in the XO seat and he'd have been a success, it's just who he was." In so many ways, Landon had saved her and given her that final push needed to grow up and transition from the unruly girl to Captain and woman.

The Kiwi couldn't help but smile as he rested his chin atop her head. The respect for Landon that oozed from the little fire bird's pores was enough to warm the cockles of anyone's heart, let alone one that was working on reuniting them in the face of an absolute miracle. "No," He said, "I don't suppose he would have." for her to have loved him and followed him so loyally, Landon Neyes would have to be one Hell of a man and one Hell of a Captain. In many ways Logan felt honored to be part of their twisting, turning plot to restore the Trill to glory.

The rest of the evening was uneventful, spent chuckling over memories and dabbing eyes when the stroll down that forsaken proverbial lane became lined with sharp, angry thorns. They simply basked in good company and care and all the while Logan was gathering intel necessary to facilitate two star crossed lovers and their reunion.


Captain Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer


Commander Logan Grant


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