Joint Duty Log - Lt Rotek & Cmn duPont - "The Ship Was A Restless Place"
Posted on Sat Nov 8th, 2014 @ 6:34am by Lieutenant Commander Rotek
750 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission: All Hallows’
The moment that Waterhouse had tore back through the bridge, after disappearing due to a cryptic message from the Kiwi counselor, Cecil slid away. Reports had been coming in the whole time she was gone, and he'd filtered them to her desk to await her return, but they'd tapered off by then. Since he knew she'd be asking for a report on the Captain next, and doctor Rotek wasn't likely to have time to sit down and give it to her, Cecil figured he'd go get it himself.
Things were busy upon his arrival at sickbay, but it looked like the worst was under control at least. The yeoman looked for the half Klingon doctor as he tried to stay mostly out of the way.
Looking up as he heard the doors open, Rotek saw a man he wasn't familiar with and walked over to him. Clearing his throat he said "Can I help you with something Crewman?"
"I'm looking for Captain Ivanova," Cecil explained, his eyes quickly skimming sickbay before meeting the doctor's. "I'm her yeoman," he added, realizing that the doctor would have no reason to tell a random Crewman where she was or how she was doing.
Nodding, he replied "We'll you've missed her. She's been released to her quarters to rest. I've ordered her to have downtime while her injuries heal. I can pass a message on to her if you don't want to disturb her."
"She's going to be okay?" Cecil asked, a little relief slipping into his voice. Though he hadn't let himself think about it, there had been a small part of him that had been worried due to how she'd looked when she'd been carried off the bridge.
Smiling slightly, he replied "Yes, with time she will be ok. She's going to have a bad headache and be sore for a while, but she will recover."
"Good, good. Is there anything I can do to help her? Besides the obvious of just keeping her away from work while she rests and recovers." He clasped his hands together behind his back, it felt odd without a PADD, but he hadn't been able to hang onto one since before the battle because he kept having to pass reports off to Waterhouse.
Shaking his head at the young man's eagerness, Rotek smiled and said "You can start by relaxing. I'm sure once she is back on duty she wouldn't want to see you exhausted from running around like a targ with his tail on fire."
"Targ with it's tail on fire..." Cecil repeated, rolling his eyes upward and raising an eyebrow as he considered. "I haven't been accused of that one before," he finally said with a laugh. "Waterhouse is going to ask me for a status report when she finds out I came down here... I'm going to guess you've been too busy for anything official yet, but I also know Waterhouse has been protective of Ivanova lately."
Smiling, Rotek grabbed a padd from the counter beside him and tapping in a few commands passed it to him. "Here you go Crewman. It's a basic overview of what I've been up to and the status of Sickbay. Do you think that will help?"
"You are amazing," Cecil returned, quickly flicking through the report to skim the data. "I had assumed you would have been so busy down here that even considering putting together a report wouldn't have even come up. This will keep Waterhouse pacified for now. Thank you."
Blushing, he replied "Thank you Mr. duPont. I had the majority of it done already, and was planning on sending it up soon. Was there anything else I could help with today?"
"Oh no, I'll stop taking up your time. So many important things to do down here. Keep up the great job," the yeoman insisted with an awkward half-bow and a smile, before turning to head for the door.
Grinning, Rotek replied "Feel free to stop by. I appreciate the company. People usually try to avoid coming down to see me, thinking I'll trick them into a checkup. Have a good day Mr. duPont."
"I'll keep the invite in mind, Doc," Cecil returned, spinning in place as he waited on the doors to open. "You have a good day too." And with that, the yeoman was out the door and down the corridor.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator 78213-E
Crewman Cecil duPont
Captain's Yeoman
USS Vindicator NCC-78213-E