Personal Log | Lt(jg) Roswell | "It's For Morale"
Posted on Mon Nov 17th, 2014 @ 8:07am by Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell
472 words; about a 2 minute read
Mission: All Hallows’
"It's for the morale..."
"Well, ANYONE could be there! There's MASKS!"
Kevin sighed and hugged her, "I'll never leave your side." He was growing wary of the rollercoaster, but he sort of understood this one.
He really just wanted to concentrate on the slinky dress she wore that matched the velvet and black lace mask she had chosen.
It wasn't skimpy, as it covered her from chest to ankle revealing only a classy amount of cleavage and her arms along with the black strappy sandles she wore. There was a slit but it went up only to her knee.
It was sexy as hell mostly for what it covered, giving a good clue as to the curves underneath but not revealing any detail letting a man's imagination run wild.
Though he HAD seen her naked, the dress made him want a reminder. Saia wasn't exactly curvy. She had slight curves, but curves he greatly appreciated and as she began to eat more, she filled out. In all the right places.
Still, she was a naturally small frame and so was he. He wasn't too small a frame, matching Saul almost. However, compared to her, he felt manly and strong. He may be old fashioned, so that appealed to him.
However, he was still a man and were they not lovers, he'd have to find a way to cover his arousal from looking at her and letting his mind go crazy. As it was, he stood unashamed, but not trying to make her notice either.
He watched as she went through the replicator looking at accessories, jewelry and makeup. The ball was tomorrow night, so he didn't have to worry about making them late were he allowed to do something about what he was thinking of doing to her.
He would just have to make sure to keep his eyes off of her as she got ready tomorrow.
Maybe that's the real reason why men weren't allowed to see the bride in their gown before the wedding. They'd be too tempted to rip the dress off. He chuckled at himself as his mind went to more honest means of taking her.
She looked over confused, "What?"
He smirked, "My mind is just wandering." He let his eyes graze over her unabashed, just as his hips leaned on the couch casually, unabashed showing the bulge in his uniform.
Saia blushed, "I'm thinking the red lips and ..." She wasn't sure how her eyes wandered down, but there it was. Her breath caught and she blinked looking at him.
Somehow, neither could remember, but suddenly, they were locked in a passionate kiss that led to what felt like a dream, but after catching his breath, Kevin realized was very real and he pondered the timing of things.
Lt (jg) Saia Roswell
Chief Science Officer
USS Vindicator