JDL ~ MCPO Caine & SCPO Rose ~ "Shootout On The Silver Screen"
Posted on Mon May 4th, 2015 @ 1:03am by Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
1,223 words; about a 6 minute read
Mission: Agua Mala
Like a lawman on the prairie of the old west Rik Caine strolled into the range nearest to the security offices. Since arriving on the ship he had been meaning to check it out. He sidled in and looked around, couple of junior NCOs cleaning rifles and a few he could see through the glass window practising against the holo-targets. He strolled up to an NCO at a desk and leaned on the wall next to it. "Lookin' for a joe named Rose - he about?" he asked; his intention to find the Master-At-Arms for tips on how to repair a battered phase pistol from the 22nd century.
The NCO looked up and flashed a smile at the newcomer, his reputation had preceeded him, "The Chief is on lane one, Master Chief." he replied with a chuckle and pointed through the glass to a greying man in gold, a rifle held against his hip as his other hand programmed in the settings on the terminal.
"Thanks" Rik said as he nodded his head slightly and headed over to the glass window. He watched the man work for just a moment before moving through the door and into the shooting range. "Rose?" he asked leaning on the bulkhead, arms folded and a carry case hanging down against his torso.
Martyn was about to level off his first shot and begin his session as his name was mentioned, he pulled the rifle down from his shoulder and placed it on his hip again, turning to face the newcomer, "Ah, Master Chief Caine, I was wondering when you'd find your way down to my range."
"A pretty decent set-up you got here bo" Rik commented looking around the room and nodding slowly to no-one in particular. "Figured an introduction was in order, what with you being the next most senior NCO on this tub. Which setting were you about to run?" he asked after a moment looking back to the target Rose had been about to shoot at.
"None in particular," Rose replied with a slight smile, "I'm just calibrating the targetting matrix for multiple target acquisition," they greying man replied with a light chuckle as he thumbed behind him, indicating the cleaning and deconstruction kit laid out on the work station behind him, "This rifle was noted as not targetting correctly, so it's either a maintenence issue or just someone looking for an excuse for their poor results."
Rik couldn't help but chuckle at the Senior's comments. It hadn't been the first time he had heard of stories of junior officers and NCOs blaming the hardware when their aim had just been lousy. "How's it looking? Joe who fired it off a bad shot... or is it off?" he asked with interest.
"He may actually have a point, the third target aquisition is pulling to the left slightly, hence the recalibration," Martyn replied with a slight chuckle, "However he claimed it was pulling to the right, so we'll see whats going on when he comes in for a retest tomorrow."
Chuckling Rik shook his head "I'll wager the kid that brought it in doesn't fare any better with that roscoe - if you're a betting man" he quipped looking back to the rifle in question.
"I don't bet, but I think he's just blowing smoke to cover a lack of practice," Rose replied quickly, "So, other than the meet and greet, what else brings you down here, Master Chief?"
Rik let out a small chuckle as he shook his head. "Well I guess some juniors can be like that..." He trailed off for a moment before grinning. "Got a roscoe you may wanna peep" he said setting the case on the table and opening it up revealing an antique phaser from the 23rd century. The piece itself looked to be in immaculate condition inside the hard case.
"Looks quite similar to this," Rose replied as he lifted the back of his jacket, slid his arm around and pulled out a matching phaser, a near perfect copy of the one in the case that he kept in perfect working order, "For the right kind of money in the right kind of palms, you can find almost anything." he replied with a slight wink.
Rik inclined his head with a grin, "beauty aint she," he said admiring the phaser Rose had produced. "Thing is, this one has a problem with the pre-fire crystal chamber... was hoping you'd know someone who could have a look but... I have a feeling you know what you're doing with these antiques." Rik nodded to the Senior's own phaser with a newfound respect for the man.
"It was quite a problem with them as they aged," Martyn replied as he found a place to stack the rifle he had been working on, his hand replaced his pistol behind his back and reached for one of the lockers that had been marked with his name, "It's likely just a misalignment, but it could be an imperfection in the crystal housing."
Rik nodded slowly as he took the phaser out of its case and felt the cold metal in his hands. "I'd heard that, if it's an imperfection is there any way of repairing the thing?" He asked.
"Quite easily," Martyn replied with a slight chuckle, "It's a part that we still use in some of the older model weapons in storage, obviously we keep some of them around because their targetting systems are a little more rugged and easier to maintain, so they're less prone to damage in hostile climates, we should be able to replace it."
"That's mighty swell news, bo. Would love to get her working again, they just don't make 'em like this anymore. I find the new kit has no... feeling. Know what I mean?" he asked with a grin on his face and handing over the phaser like a precious gem.
"Leave it with me for a few days and I'll dig something out and get it back to you, Master Chief." Rose replied with a bright smile, "I'll even throw in a spitshine and polish for free." he added with a wink.
"Fantastic stuff, looking forward to see what you can do." Rik grinned and shook his head, laughing a little. "Well that's mighty fine of you, I'll carry out an inspection when it's done," he returned the wink and moved slowly over to the range picking up a phaser and fired off three shots at a target, hitting the centre perfectly on all three. "This one seems well adjusted... your work is pretty good."
"I pride myself on my work," Martyn replied with a wink as he chuckled at the expert marksmanship, "If you don't mind, I have a few more modifications to make before the next run of training."
Rik set down the phaser and inclined his head. "I can see, bo. Alrighty well you know where to find me if you want that gamble or ya know, competition on the range." He grinned and informally saluted the Senior Chief as he turned to leave. "Thanks again for the assist with the gat." He added.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
Security Investigator
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E
Senior Chief Petty Officer Martyn Rose
Master at Arms
NPC apb Mike
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E