JDL | LtJg Black & Ens Barnes | "You're Alright Kid"
Posted on Mon Feb 2nd, 2015 @ 11:05am by Ensign & Lieutenant JG Teá Black
1,000 words; about a 5 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Various locations
= V =
What Teá found in public records was enough for her to get scolded and truth be told enough to get her booted off the ship seeing as she went digging without orders. Luckily the public part would be her saving grace but just barely. "Damn't Sean why didn't I listen to you." She said shaking her head still standing at the pool table.
"Ma'am there's a subspace call for you a commodore Delila Smith." The petty officer said nodding to a secure area. Teá nodded and followed him she hadn't heard that name for a long time and it was a name that scared her. She was the type of person that wanted to stay at the rank commodore; it gave her just enough power but she also knew if she got any higher she would have more eyes on her.
"Commodore," Teá said as politely as she could, "how can I be a service to you?"
"Teá you look well." Delila said with a smirk, "and there is something you can do for me." Delilah said still with that sickening smirk on her face.
"Like I've said before I'm out of that line of work." Teá said quietly looking around making sure no one was close by to hear the conversation.
"Oh Teá Teá Teá you don't have a choice. I know things things that would end your career and most likely your freedom." Delila said, "and all I need is a very very simple thing a simple database wipe." A data wipe yes it was easy but it all depended on what needed wiping. "I need my daughters search history and anything that has her name connected to it. That simple." She said smiling.
And with that the screen went black, "fuck......" Teá cursed, "Barnes get in here now!" Teá said slapping her badge.
Hearing the battle cry of the insane Intel officer Black, Rocky took a moment to count backwards from ten. I will not kill her. My career has just started she thought to herself as she waited another minute, taking her time to secure her terminal. Getting up, she sauntered into the room where the crazed Jay Gee waited, wondering what crawled up her aft. "You bellowed, Sir?"
"I need a data wipe done on this name Teisha Smith. She's a contact of mine who needs to go underground. And she needs anything that has her name on it wiped."Teá said looking at the ensign, "do you think you can handle that?"
"Aye, Sir," Rocky said. "Should be a walk in the park. I aced that portion of Intel at the Academy. Is there any relevant data that I will require other than her name?"
"Yeah.....these there her alias's I need a history wipe and anything that's got her name or those alias's attached to them. And I need it done today is that clear?" Teá asked looking truly shaken.
"Crystal, Sir," Rocky said, taking the data chip. "Is there anything else?"
"No just that." Teá said looking back at the screen and closing her eyes taking several deep breaths in and out.
Seeing how shaken up the Jay Gee seemed to be, Rocky didn't make any further comments as she went back to her terminal. Entering her authorization code and beginning to run a series of algorithms, she entered a false set of parameters into the system as she'd been trained, then ran another set of programs to piggyback on them. Activating that to go one way, she initiated another set of protocols with the information deletion that she actually wanted, sending it out over a rarely used Operations protocol that Intel had access to for subspace transmissions.
The programs had been designed to find, eradicate and replace missing data files as well as fill in blank areas with officially entered material that would take many things into account. A secondary program would wait for the opportunity to enter the mainframe computers to begin a level by level scrub of the same data, replacing that as well. Rocky grimaced, hoping like hell she didn't get called onto the carpet for it, and with that in mind, she routed everything from her terminal to a secondary terminal located in Operations and used a throw-away data set to make it look like routine maintenance had been initiated from that point.
Once the algorithms completed their work, Rocky began to backtrack along her own path, clearing the digital footprints while launching several other queries along alternate routers that were in keeping with standard parameters. Sitting back, she removed the data chip from the terminal and launched a virus protocol that would delete any transactions that came from her terminal for the past fifteen minutes. Getting up, she tossed it into a shredder unit and had it recycled and destroyed.
Going to Lieutenant Black's station, she crossed her arms and looked at her. "So, you up for lunch, Lieutenant?" figuring the woman could really use a drink based on how upset she had been.
"Is it done?" Teá asked in a much more calmer tone.
"Is what done?" Rocky asked her, looking confused even as she winked. "The level two diagnostic was done a half hour that you asked me to do, Lieutenant."
Teá smirked the young ensign was a fast learner, "maybe there is hope for you after all. And yeah lunch sounds good."
Returning the smirk, Rocky gestured towards the door feeling her ego swell, but shoved it down. "Shall we?"
"We shall. Lead the way" Teá said giving the ensign a smirk.
Laughing, Rocky headed out of the Intel office, waiting in the corridor so the Jay Gee could come out and lock the office. "You're not have bad, Lieutenant."
Walking out she turned and pressed her palm against the door setting it up all the security procedures. "Lead the way ensign."
Lieutenant JG Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator
Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialistt
USS Vindicator