JPL | LtJg Black & Ens Barnes | Out to Lunch
Posted on Fri Feb 6th, 2015 @ 10:32am by Ensign & Lieutenant JG Teá Black
1,162 words; about a 6 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Lounge
= V =
Entering the lounge and feeling a lot better after her interaction with Lieutenant Black, Rocky looked around. "I'd say that we have the place pretty much to ourselves. Care for a window seat or pony up to the counter and grab a bite?"
"Window." Teá said deciding to let her choose the table wanting to see which one she'll choose. Mainly to see what Starfleet Intelligence was teaching these kids today."
Glancing around, Rocky chose a window seat near a corner where she could see anyone coming in the lounge and took a seat with her back to the wall. "So what got you into Intel?"
Teá took her seat and moved it slightly so it was more on a angle allowing her to not have her back to the door. Looking at the ensign she considered the question, "truthfully I don't know why or who even brought me into the fold." Teá said looking at the ensign, "I started out as a enlisted jarhead after several tours I was approached by intelligence finished the academy became an officer and here I am."
Rocky gave her an appraising look. "Interesting career change, Lieutenant," she said. "You don't see too many Marines switching to Starfleet and going into a relatively non-combative fields. Mind if I ask you why?"
"Sorry classified." Teá said knowing that most of her childhood was weirdly classified. "So why intelligence for you?"
"You mean you can't tell a fellow Intel officer something classified?" Rocky gave a rueful chuckle. "I guess that's going to be something I hear alot or end up telling people. I like to solve puzzles. Always have, and most likely always will. I've studied everything from Egyptian puzzles up to the most modern and it helps me focus."
"Let me guess you solved some impossible puzzle in the academy and it caught the attention of intelligence?" Teá asked.
"That's what they tell me," Rocky said as she picked up a menu and glanced at it. "Some anagram that was supposed to be for fourth year students. I found it on a PADD that was laying on a bench and it got my attention. So I sat down and solved it in a half hour. The moment I figured it out and put my answer in, a couple Lieutenant Commanders came walking down the hall asking me who I was and what I'd done. Seems they liked to set up tests like that for new students to see what they'd do. A Security student would have turned it in. A Command student would have brought it to someone's attention to solve, etcetera."
Teá nodded as she noticed the waiter walk up giving him a quick order Teá looked back at Catalina and allowed her to get her order in.
Rocky ordered a double bacon cob'lat burger with extra cheese and an order of chili cheese fries, with an iced Raktajino. Turning his attention back to her, she thought for a moment. "What part of it do you like?"
Teá looked at the ensign trying to decide how to answer the question. "Truthfully nothing. But I'm great at lying and deceiving people. Plus I'm able to read people extremely well and truth be told I don't get scared easily."
Cocking her head, Rocky watched the Lieutenant for a long moment before nodding. It's clear she isn't going to tell me anything "I see." Looking up as the waiter came over, she accepted her Raktajino with a smile from ear to ear, knowing that the Chief Medical Officer would most likely skin her when he checked her again.
"You?" Teá asked nodding to the waiter when her salad and Jack 'n Coke arrived.
"Figuring out the how and why," Rocky said easily. "The challenge of something new."
Nodding Teá realized the young women was gonna be quite useful in the future taking a sip of her drink and few small rabbit size bites of her salad. As she kept an eye on Barnes still trying to suss her out.
Getting her cob'lat burger, Rocky checked it and removed a piece of lettuce, setting it aside before taking a bite of the burger. "Mm...this is so good." she said after washing it down with the potent Klingon coffee. "So what do you think is going on here?"
"A very messy and tricky universal incident waiting to happen." Teá said with a sigh as she took a sip of her drink again, "and it has to do with the non-research we did."
Setting her burger down with a sudden distaste in her mouth that had nothing to do with the food, Rocky looked at her. "Are you serious, Lieutenant?" she practically growled as she came to her feet. "The research that you had me do under orders, then retracted those orders after it was done?"
"Yes ensign and everything we did was public records and trust me when I say this. You'll be glad we did said research by time this mission is over." Teá said glaring at the ensign, "only thing that'll get a black mark on your record is the wipe you did after are non-research session."
"Which you also ordered me to do?" Rocky asked, glaring at her in return. "I'll be damned if I'm going to get a black mark because some Junior Grade Lieutenant decided to order me around before thinking of the consequences."
"Ensign I would be very very careful with that. Seeing as there is no record of said order." Teá said smirking at the ensign as she finished her drink and salad.
"There's more than one way to reveal the truth, and as an Intelligence Officer, you of all people should know that," Rocky said with a sneer. "And I will submit to any method given to me if you think you're going to throw me under the shuttle."
"You need to also realize that intelligence officers don't do well on their own. And I've learned that the hard way. So believe me the last thing I'll be doing is throwing anyone under the shuttle." Teá added sounding more sincere.
"I fail to believe that with what you've been saying the past few minutes, Lieutenant," Rocky said. "I also will be logging all orders from here on out and submitting them to the Chief before I carry them out."
"Do what you need ensign. Hell I would do the same thing if I was in your shoes." Teá said standing and heading out of the lounge.
Rocky watched her go and shook her head. If it was the last thing she ever did, she would not turn her back on the Jay Gee ever again. Disgusted, she grabbed her coffee and headed out, pondering a request to a different ship when they got to the nearest starbase.
Lieutenant JG Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator
Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator