JDL | Ens Barnes & PO2 Stone | The Newbie is Corrupted
Posted on Sat Feb 21st, 2015 @ 9:44am by Ensign & Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black
738 words; about a 4 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Intelligence
= V =
Petty Officer Hamish Stone was sitting in the very very back of intelligence where the tech support staff worked. Mainly keeping an eye on the intelligence servers within the ships compute core, keeping track of the upload/download speeds and encryption software updates. "Hrmmm.....did we do a software update recently?"
"Nope last one was 72 hours ago. Why?" One of the other tech support staff asked.
"Not sure we had a huge spike in the download but I can't find the file or packets of files based off of the size of the download." Hamish said tapping a few buttons and tapping his badge, "Ensign Barnes could you come back to the workshop?"
Getting the communication on her combadge, Rocky simply got up and headed to the area of Intelligence that she wasn't familiar with. "I am Ensign Barnes. May I help you?" she asked, unsure of the person she was speaking to.
"We're the support staff for intel ensign," Hamish said standing up and ushering her to his console, "I just had a question do you know of anyone downloading a large package and saving it on the dedicated intel servers within the core?"
Rocky shook her head. "I haven't detected any large packages that have crossed my terminal, Petty Officer," she said. "When did you detect it?"
"A week ago," Hamish said walking over and hitting a few buttons, "it was downloaded straight to a PaDD which is why we just found the shadow of the file package."
"Why didn't you take it up the chain of command, Petty Officer?" Rocky asked, cocking her head. "There's other officers higher ranking than me to address this matter. You waited a week before calling in a new Ensign like myself? Do you realize what this could mean to you?"
"Ma'am you're mistaken. I wasn't holding on to this information we just found it." Hamish said looking at the ensign, "trust me if I had found this earlier I would've reported it when it was found. Check my records and you'll see that I'm telling the truth."
"I don't doubt that, Petty Officer. However, bringing this to my attention of all the people that you could have notified?" Rocky shook her head and looked at the terminal. "Where did it originate?"
"Ma'am at this point in time you're the highest ranking intel officer on the ship. I report to the chief intel officer if he's not here the assistant chief and so on down the line." Hamish said confused on why the ensign didn't get his CoC (chain of command). "That's just it I have no idea where it originated I can't trace it.....at least not off of the shadow."
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Lieutenant Jay Gee Black a higher rank than Ensign?" Rocky asked as she began a trace on the week old package.
"She is but she's on the planet with the commodore and away team." Hamish said looking at the ensign wondering why this was the bigger issue.
Shaking her head, Rocky bit her lip as she attempted to find the location of the origination of the package before she turned to the Petty Officer again. "Did you analyze the contents of the package?"
"Yes but because we just have the shadow this was all I was able to get." He said pulling up a couple of documents with a name that the ensign should recognize. Danielle Smith the commodore's daughter. The documents were an arrest report for stolen goods and illegal substances.
Seeing the name of the person she erased earlier that week, Rocky sighed. "Transfer all information this directly to my terminal, then forget you ever saw it, Petty Officer."
Hamish just looked at the ensign but nodded, "of course ma'am." He said as he did exactly what the ensign asked him to do.
"If Lieutenant Jay Gee Black makes any inquiries on this matter, send her to me, also," Rocky ordered the Petty Officer.
Hamish just nodded in truth he was more afraid of the junior lieutenant than this ensign but he wasn't about to have two intel women pissed at him.
Getting up from the terminal, Rocky headed back to her terminal shaking her head. "What have I gotten into?"
Petty Officer Hamish Stone
Computer Specialist Second Class (NPC by Aza)
USS Vindicator
Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator