Hanging around the USS-Pendragon
Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2016 @ 8:04am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil
152 words; about a 1 minute read
Location: USS-Pendragon
Timeline: SD:241601.30
USS-Pendragon =/\=
Te`shara was in her temporary quarters, of the USS-Pendragon just relaxing,since the
USS-Vindicator was destroyed..There wasn't much to do while on the Pendragon,
so Te`shara decided to stay in her quarters, and order on the Pendragons computer,
a warm glass of milk,she did not feel like drinking,her Caitian Drink,so she went with warm milk.
After Te'shara got her Warm Milk, she decided to take a padd to write to her home on her
Caitian Homeworld,of Cait.. So that's what she did,while enjoying her warm milk,the whole nite,
writting home to her home world of Cait,to her parents,and the Caitian gang,of the SS-Kaitian,
as well.While relaxing in her temporary quarters,enjoying a glass of warm Milk...
on the way to the cold Station, theta till their ship was rebuilt..
Lt Te`Shara R'heil
USS-Vindicator - Destroyed