Uss Vindicator


  • 3 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Sat Dec 22nd, 2012 @ 5:40am

Lieutenant JG Jesse Saunders

Name Jesse Saunders

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 1.65
Weight 68Kg
Hair Color Red-brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description She is of medium build. Good muscle tone.


Spouse none
Children N/a
Father John Saunders
Mother Allexa (Dwayne) Saunders
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview A quiet person, mostly sticking to herself, doing her job the best way she can.Having her nose in a book most of the time made Jesse to some people a very boring person. It's only when she opens her mouth that people have realized this woman knows what she's talking about....
Strengths & Weaknesses A very hard working person with a passion for her work, but she's got an icy side to her.More that often have men walked into her perrel and failed to break the icy layer surrounding her heart... Maybe someday, who knows, the one person who can crack that ice will walk into her life....
Ambitions Challenging her knowledge and abilities Jesse strives to develop and refine procedures in her field. Hoping that the effort she puts in will be beneficial to others in the future.
Hobbies & Interests She loves to get her hands dirty that is why she love botany so much. On the hollodeck she will go off riding horse for hours at a time

Personal History Jesse found her feet on the Eden Fleet Yards many years ago but was transferred to the USS Dirae where she has the post of Chief science officer. She got wounded in an attack by the Zyborg and sustained abdominal injuries that were repaired.

Jesse got transferred back to Eden Fleet Yards after helping out the crew of the USS Dirae get back on their feet. Now she will be the assistant science officer, finding more time to pursue some biology experiments and attend to her personal needs... There were quite a few things that happened to her on Zetari. For one she developed feelings for the XO that was not quite proper at the time and it has placed her in tight spots quite a couple of times. Though a lot has happened Jesse had to leave Zetari on some personal quest; to make amends with some family. She finally got her head straight again and decided to return to her profession after many years of wandering the universe trying to find that one eluding thing or person that will make her life complete.....
Service Record Eden fleet yard ~CSciO
USS Dirae~ CSiO
Eden fleet Yard ~ASciO
Zetari ~ CSiO