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SD 241308.13 || Joint Log || LtCmdr Dahe'el & Dr Rofer || Returning to Duty (Backlog)

Posted on Tue Aug 13th, 2013 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant Carrie Rofer M.D., Ph.D.

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings

(This is a very serious backlog, being posted to clear my notification.)

With his feet up on the desk, Almar was quite at home in his office, buried next to the throbbing core of the colossal ship, the constant and repetitive sound providing a soothing backdrop to the turmoil of his mind.

Thrum, Thrum

Taking out a padd from his uniform, he scrolled down the reports from the last few days, aside from the lack of control over the environmental systems in some areas, there were no outstanding alerts, he had teams working round the clock to fix the environmentals, something which was proving to be a little more difficult than it should be.

Thrum, Thrum

[Lieutenant Commander Dahe'el, you have an appointment within the next 15 minutes, please report to sickbay], came the voice of the computer from the terminal behind his chair, rousing from his work, the Cardassian slipped the padd back into his jacket and swung his legs down, standing carefully before striding out and towards the turbolift.


Carrie leaned back on her chair and stretched, suddenly aware of the chair's dangerously low tipping angle. She bounced back quickly, almost flinging herself onto her desk like a rock shot from a catapult.

"Computer," she breathed, blinking, "display agenda for the rest of the day," she squirmed, rubbed her abdomen with some discomfort, and tried to ignore the fact her own chair just tried to kill her.

After a couple of minutes in the turbolift, Almar found himself striding down the corridors of the medical deck, heading towards the main offices and his final check-up before being returned to complete and full duties, turning a corner he found himself in the main Sickbay and looking for a doctor.

Carrie harumphed. Two minor surgeries performed by her assistants were both taking longer than expected, she'll have to check why later; most of the other staff was busy either helping assemble the new equipment, or being trained on various aspects of it. It seemed she was going to be the only one available on actual day-to-day duty for the next couple of hours.

And she had three physicals on the agenda. She stifled a yawn and bent over the desk to look for a box of gloves. Not that she'd really have to use them nowadays - It was the 24th century after all, with high tech sanitizing equipment and microcleaners. But having them in her pocket meant that -- depending on the attitude of the person in front her -- she could pluck them out, slap them on with the THUCK only Latex produced, and watch people's faces. It was great for morale, especially hers. She considered making it a formal exercise with the Marines.

She snorted to herself in amusement and walked out of her office, looking to see if the first appointment has arrived.

And people think I have no sense of humor.

Seeing what appeared to be a doctor emerging from one of the offices, the Cardassian engineer stepped towards her and offered a slight smile and a nod of the head, "Lieutenant Commander Dahe'el, here for a check-up, Doctor?" he paused for a moment and tried to recall the name, "I do not believe we have met."

"Your disbelief is warranted," Carrie smiled wanly, "I'm Doctor Rofer. I'm new. And you," she pointed at him and then looked at her PADD for reference, scrunching her eyebrows momentarily, "Ah. Yes." She looked back up. "Chief Engineer. Welcome to the new infirmary."

"New to you, perhaps," Almar replied with a light chuckle, "I have been aboard this ship since it launched, I was responsible for making sure it was ready." he added quickly, "Can we get this done with? I am anxious to get back to full duties."

"Good to know," Carrie nodded, "I just got here," she motioned at one of the checkup alcoves and pulled on a holographic blind around it. "Of course, let me see your file here. Hmm."

Almar placed his hands down on the bed and pulled himself up, sitting upright facing the new Doctor, "Welcome to the Vindicator," the Cardassian replied with a slight smile.

Carrie took out her scanner and floated it carefully above the Cardassian's head, lowering it steadily, reading the results. "Very kind of you," she glanced up at him with a lopsided smile, and returned her attention to the scanner. "Well, you seem to be doing much better. The bones have healed, I see no problems with your ribs," she lowered the scanner and poked the man's chest gently, "how's that? does it hurt?"

"Not at all," the Cardassian replied with a slight smile, "There are a few aches when I'm lifting or stretching, but I think that may just be from not using the muscles like I used to."

Carrie snorted in amusement, returning to hovering the scanner over Almar's upper body, "Yes, you're a real couch potato. I don't know how you managed to waddle over to the infirmary," she smirked, enjoying once again her own joke, and lifted her arm to reach towards the man's throat and head.

"I'd like to make sure there was no lingering neurological damage. I don't take chances with head injuries, and I don't know how you were before to judge if this incident made you, well," she twirled a finger near her temple as visual aid, "Kooky."

"Understandable Doctor," the Cardassian replied with a slight smile, he was just happy to be getting this over and done with so he could return to full duties instead of being stuck in his office filing paperwork.

Carrie smirked, enjoying her joke much more than her company while waving the scanner above the Cardassian's head for a moment, tilting her head at the result on the screen. She finally retracted her arm, plucked the scanner piece into the tricorder and nodded briskly.

"Well, one thing you may be sure of, Commander," she turned the tricorder screen towards him and smiled triumphantly. "There is a brain in there."

She grinned and picked a PADD to write her notes on, "things seem to be in order, I'll have a finalized result in a couple of hours and update your record."

"Some may consider that a curse, I am sure," Almar replied with a half smile, "I thank you for making this a rather painless experience, I have been itching to get back to my full duties ever since I got out of bed."


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