Uss Vindicator

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JDL |CMO & MILO & NPCs| |Cmdr Ivanova, Lt Rofer, 1Lt Black & NPCs| Oh No You Di'ent!

Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2013 @ 10:57pm by 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Staff Sergeant Indys sh'Ziri & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant Carrie Rofer M.D., Ph.D.

1,710 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Sickbay

=*= Marine Sickbay, USS Vindicator =*=

"Zhara go with Colbert and get the lieutenant to sickbay.....oh Zhara she does not leave your sight understood. If the CMO throws a bitch fit about it tell her it's cleared by command." Ellis said knowing that it wasn't and that the CMO would check with that but there was no way in hell he was gonna allow this lieutenant Black out of his Marines sight.

"Copy that boss." Kiera said with a smirk as they got Black off the bed and into restraints, "let's go." Kiera said standing behind Black while Brad held onto her arm.

=*= Sickbay, USS Vindicator =*=

"We need a private examination room and doc Rofer to come out and play." Brad said to the on-duty nurse.

"Doctor Rofer doesn't play," Came Carrie's voice from the far end of the emergency room as she turned, the emphasis on both 'Doctor' and 'play'. The words, however, hung in her mouth for a split second, as her brain processed the scene in front of her, finally causing her body to react and move forward quickly.

"What is this??" She leaned towards the injured woman, checking up her bruises quickly, motioning with her hand for a gurney.

The gurney, pushed by two Nurses, appeared as if out of nowhere and came to a stop near the three Marines. Carrie helped her onto it and allowed the two nurses to secure the woman onto it as she turned to face the two Marines furiously.

"I don't know if beating up a shackled woman is a custom for you people, but you're not getting into this infirmary with those guns." She gestured at the door. "Either stay here, or disarm yourselves, and I better not catch you even remotely touching her while she's in my care." She growled and turned, pulling a scanner from her belt. Is this how they treat prisoners? Since when did the Vindicator even had prisoners... none of this made any sense to the young doctor, but she was quite sure she wasn't going to take any chances, especially not with the volatile Marines.

"STAY." She ordered again, waving her hand, as the gurney was pushed a couple of feet to the side towards a treatment alcove.

"Doctor STOP." Brad said loudly I have direct orders to not allow this prisoner out of our sight, "corporal Zhara well accompany you and with her weapon. Feel free to call command to verify this order. But that women stays in our sight and custody until than."

Carrie turned around quickly, standing in Brad's face. This could have looked amusing considering the woman's small stature, had her eyes not shot such bright sparks of anger.

"I don't care if this is the mastermind murderer behind galaxy-wide xenocide, wanted across the universe! She's shackled, she's now being held by a force field to stabilize her spine, and she is now she's under my care, and your guns and your attitudes remain at this door. You can watch her from here." She looked at Tea's form and, satisfied the woman was in no immediate danger, turned around to face the Marines again and tapped her combadge.

"I don't care if this is the mastermind murderer behind galaxy-wide xenocide, wanted across the universe! She's shackled, she's being held by a force field to stabilize her spine, and she is now she's under my care. Your guns and your attitudes remain at this door. You can watch her from here." She looked at Tea's form and, satisfied the woman was in no immediate danger, turned around to face the Marines again and tapped her combadge.

"Doctor Rofer to Commander Ivanova. Commander, I seem to be having an issue with the prisoner the Marines have dragged over. They're claiming they have your authority, but I doubt very much your intention was to have non-medical staff drag an injured woman across the hallways -- in shackles -- like we're some pirate ship traveling the pacific ocean in the eighteenth century!"

Brad just smirked, "commander to be fair corporal Zhara is a combat medic so I do have someone with triage training with me. So if the prisoner became ill or something I did have someone with more than just basic CPR, rescue breathing and first aid to help give care to her."

"I'm on my way." Was all the Commander answer as she turned to the screen in front of her and spoke her apologies to the brass she'd been speaking with. The embarrassment would likely never be forgotten as her "children" argued over the space of her combadge. Luckily, the Admiral was merely making a house call, checking in on her son, and seemed to be more than understanding as the call had to be cut short and Ivanova took to proverbial flight.

Carrie muttered and half-turned to look at the bio bed, allowing her staff to take care of the patient. She glanced at her PADD to see the scan results, reassured that the situation was far from life threatening. She decided to hold her tongue, at least until she had the Commander as backup.

A short moment later, the savage little redhead blew through the doors and into sickbay. She nodded to the Doctor, her eyes skimming over her reddened face before she halted, toe to toe and nearly face to face with the male Marine -- or rather she would have been face to face if she wasn't so damned short. "You want to rethink your statement about having Command's permission to do anything in this sickbay?" She asked, her voice oddly low and contained as she searched his eyes, "I'd think real hard about that answer, son, because I have a demotion and brig time wagered that you don't. In fact I'm certain that you just tried to lie to gain your own way, am I right?"

"Just following my orders from my commanding officer." Brad said emphasizing my seeing as the Marines were in a weird zone of being outside of the normal chain of command on naval vessels. But at the same time something like this was under direct naval chain of command, "our orders were to bring the prisoner down to sickbay and Marine Captain King added that the prisoner should never be out of our sight and the last time I saw two escorts not carrying. Well actually I've never seen that."

"Where the hell did you bring her from, a war zone??" Carrie growled. Well, it came out more of a high-pitch yowl but the meaning behind it was clear, "Five fractures, including two on her ribs, and her ear drums are punctured," she waved the scan results around angrily, but bit her lip with an angry huff, trying to control her temper enough so to let Ivanova handle the situation.

"We used reasonable force. Flashbangs and fast take down. From the reports we had we knew she was armed and dangerous so we weren't gonna take any chances. And I can guarantee outside of the use flashbangs your ships security would've done a similar take down." Brad said eyeing the doctor.

"Reasonable Force? You call this reasona--" Carrie started, but then stopped, bit her lip, gave Ivanova a big 'see what I was talking about!?' stare and turned to force her attention back to her patient.

"Doctor." Ivanova looked at Carrie disapprovingly for a short moment before turning her attention back to the male Marine. "Guess what. Your boss answers to me. I answer to Captain Neyes, however... Personnel issues fall to the XO unless I bring them to him for higher punishment. I'm sure you already know that the Marines are basically guests in this ship and you are fast wearing out your welcome with stunts like these. We are not in the 18th century. The prisoner will be unshackled and placed in a force field contained bio-bed. You will either get rid of the weaponry or you will stand outside. Either way you're going to shut your mouths and do exactly what the good Doctor tells you to while I go back up to the bridge and decide exactly what's going to become of you and Ellis. I'm over this pissing match, are we green?" She hissed, her eyes narrowing slightly as she asserted every bit of power and experience she held contained within her tiny form.

This was the first time that Brad was speechless first off he knew that Alpha company was a guest on the ship hell all Marines were guests on any naval installation. Looking at Zhara he just nodded to her and held his hand out for her weapon. But the nod said a lot more than just, give me your weapon and keep an eye on the prisoner.

Keira just nodded as she unclipped her Type 2 phaser and than looked at the XO hoping that this was enough to move this along.

"All of them. Every single one. If I hear of ONE weapon coming into this sickbay without clearance from myself, I'll see to it you spend the rest of this deployment scrubbing every head from here to Earth until we can offload you." Ivanova huffed sharply, letting her gaze leave Brad's face to level on the other Marine's. There was a reason why her ships always ran smoothly and why she'd garnished such a sterling reputation, this was one small portion of it.

"Doctor, do what you do best and let me know if there's any further issues."

Carrie nodded. "Thank you, Commander. I'll forward a full report when we're done," she glanced at the Marines with a look she hoped was poisonous, then reverted her attention back to her bound patient.

Both Brad's and Keira's expressions were expressionless they did what they were ordered to and they weren't about to apologize for it. "Completely understood ma'am." Brad said through a clenched jaw.


Commander Rochelle Ivanova
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator


Lieutenant Carrie Rofer, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator


GSgt Brad Colbert
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Sergeant
USS Vindicator


Cpl Keira Zhara
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Corpsmen
USS Vindicator

(NPCs played by Aza)


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