Uss Vindicator

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DL | "Connections" | CSO, SciO | LtJG Saia Roswell & PO2 Leto Hawthorne, PhD

Posted on Sat Aug 10th, 2013 @ 3:32am by Captain Landon Neyes & Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell

615 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Bridge(s)
Timeline: Immediately Following "Burn"

=/\= Bridge, USS Vindicator =/\=

A fire had erupted at the rear of the bridge where the mission ops panel had gone up in a fiery explosion. Leto looked about, as he'd been summoned from the secure lab to help with punching through the jamming signal the Romulans were putting out. His gaze locked onto Lt. Roswell, clinging to her console at the science station.

He managed to get across the bridge from the turbolift to her station. "We have to direct the signal amplifiers of the subspace transmitter to match the carrier wave of those other starfleet ships. You're more familiar with them."

She looked at him, nodding, "Got it." She then looked down and concentrated on the console. Sadly, her concentration wasn't up to snuff. In the back of her mind, she hoped it wasn't noticeable.

"I'll try oscillating the frequency of the relays to the emitter, see if I can't penetrate the jamming signal that way!." Another jolt rocked the ship. The Romulans were giving the Vindicator one hell of a fight.

"Now would be an excellent time to hail those Starfleet ships, Lieutenant!" Neyes called from the command chair.

"On it, sir!" She swallowed back the realization of basically snapping at a commanding officer. She followed with a softer, but still projected tone, "Hailing, sir."

=/\= Bridge of the USS Nautilus =/\=

"Captain, Im receiving a faint transmission from a group of Romulan ships nearly a light year away. However, the comm signal appears to have originated from a Federation vessel."

The Vulcan science officer looked puzzled as he continued his scan. "It appears to be the USS Vindicator, sir."

Captain Lassiter, the Nautilus' commanding officer and leader of the small battle group headded for Earth, stood up from his chair. "Can you clean it up?"

"Yes, sir. Playing now."

=/\= USS Vindicator =/\=

Saia saw the comm link shift to accepting mode and looked up to her commanding officer, "It's open, sir."

"This is Captain Lassiter of the Nautilus battle group. What's your status, Vindicator?"

She swallowed and looked at Neyes, wondering if he wanted her to say anything specific before she went into a report.

"Good work Lieutenant!" Landon stood up, "Captain! This is Commander Landon Neyes. We're under attack by a Romulan task force and require assistance! How quickly can you get here?"

The Nautilus' captain appeared on the viewscreen before the Vindicator bridge crew. A wave of brief relief struck across Neyes' face. It was good to see the inside of an undamaged bridge again. He stepped over the fallen support beam that had fallen down near the center of the bridge, and addressed Captain Lassiter again. "We've taken moderate damage and we're severely outgunned."

"This is a hell of a time to be in a scuffle with the Romulans, Commander. They're our allies and Sol system is under attack."

An awkward hush fell over the bridge, only Landon seemed mostly unaffected. "Our warp drive is offline! If you drive them off, we can envelope you in our Slipstream field and we can be on Earth's doorstep in less than three hours." Landon's patience was being tested. They could see the Vindicator was in distress, Earth or not, they should have been all too ready to help a fellow Starfleet ship.

"The Romulans are our allies. Why woul-" Lassiter started.

A hard jolt rocked the Vindicator. Neyes shouted this time, his voice charged with anger. "I can explain ALL OF THIS later, Captain. Right now we need your help! Please assist us immediately!"

Lassiter nodded, "Keep that Slipstream online, Commander. We'll be there in 20 minutes."

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Commander Landon Neyes
Commanding Officer

LtJG Saia Roswell
Chief Science Officer



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