Uss Vindicator

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JDL | "Out of the Sky" | CO, FP | Captain Landon Neyes, 1Lt Lynda Howard

Posted on Fri Aug 16th, 2013 @ 2:25am by Captain Landon Neyes & Lieutenant JG Lynda Howard

731 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Fighter Flight Deck
Timeline: In Slipstream

=/\= Flight Deck =/\=

Decades passed, and rarely would Neyes escape the inevitable battle space held for him. The USS Vindicator raced through a slipstream conduit at daunting speeds, a technology he was immensely grateful for. This battle he'd managed to escape from in one piece, short about 50 crew and 6 pilots. It was all he could do to keep himself occupied, the reality was too close for his comfort. Something needed to hold his attention so he could stow it away.

The dead sing, he kept thinking. They were his crew now, and he'd managed to lead 56 people to their death in less than a week.

So he stood in the flight deck, where ruin and debris still scattered itself around in his view. The fighters themselves were mostly taken care of by the deck crew, but a few pilots occupied themselves with the task of repairing their bird. Landon imagined it was for similar reasons to his own.

"Lieutenant." Neyes approached 1Lt Howard. "How is she?" He asked, walking along the length of her fighter.

Lynda looked towards the Captain then back to the bird she'd been flying. Ok so the landing hadn't been perfect, but the shot to the tail end kinda didn't help anything. she was lucky to still be in one piece mostly. She had a cut on her fore head from crashing the fighter head long into one of the deck walls in her struggle to miss one of the deck hands that had been in the way. Taking off her helm that had actually saved her life really she shook out her long wavy hair before looking back to the Captain.

"I think she'll live I just have to get her repaired." Lynda sounding relieved to be alive. "How are you doing?" She asked knowing this was well the first real space battle the Landon's been in that he was responsible for the lives on the ship.

Landon smiled, not responding right away. He poked at a smokey looking panel along the port beam. "You could always have the deck team repair your fighter, Ms. Howard. You've earned a break, i think."

"Hmmm maybe I'll let them start repairs, but my baby likes that special touch only I can give her." Lynda smiled softly. "Please call me Lynda, Captain." after all they had just fought romulans together no?

Neyes looked her over for a moment, thoughtful. "Tell me something, Lieuten- Lynda. What is your opinion of Captain Keggle's command style? Does Captain King often poke around in his training methods?" His hand dropped from the fighter's access panel and moved back to his side.

Lynda blinked at that question. To be honest Captain King and Captain Keggle have some similarities to the way they command. I think Captain King pokes around in Captain Keggle's training methods because he sees a bit of his own style in the mix and wants to help improve it." Lynda said softly not to mention they were probably competitive... Lynda was just glad she wasn't in command, it took all the fun out of flying.

"My next question is going to sound odd, but I want your honest answer anyway. Has King ever ordered you to do anything you found questionable?"

"No, I can honestly say he hasn't ordered me to do anything questionable. What is this about if you don't mind my asking Captain?" Lynda asked looking into the eyes of that handsome face.

Neyes stopped, looking at the Lieutenant. He knew asking these kinds of questions of the marines was going to stir the pot with the military officers, especially once it got back to their CO. Of course, it wasn't the worst outcome, and Landon knew exactly what he was doing. "Don't worry about it, pilot. Just let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary as far as your Captains are concerned."

"Of course captain." Lynda said knowing this was odd, but he was Captain of the ship. Damn he was delicious though. "Is there anything else you need Captain?"

Neyes smirked a little as he noticed the Lt's less than subtle eye-feasting. "If you see King tell him to be at the briefing room, 1500."

He turned to leave, the smirk growing just a little wider.

"Carry on, pilot."

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Captain Landon Neyes
Commanding Officer

1st Lieutenant Lynda Howard
Fighter Pilot


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