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SD 241310.08 || Joint Personal Backlog || Cmdr Ivanova & LtCmdr Dahe'el || XO & CEO || "Changing Impressions."

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2013 @ 7:26pm by

1,852 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Memorias Rotundum

=/\= Officer's Lounge, USS Vindicator =/\=


That's the only thing you can call it, Almar thought as he lounged in one of the chairs looking out into the bowels of Starbase 001, he had finished up his main hull repairs before they docked and submitted his equipment and supply requests as soon as the ship had powered down with the umbilical connected, he picked up the steaming mug of tea and took a few sips, even though he was a Starfleet Officer, it had been suggested that he remain on-board the Vindicator for the duration for his own safety, it seems that the uniform would fail to protect him again.

Forgiveness was not one of the traits that lay harbored easily within the soul of a certain redheaded wild child. If anything, The Commander was known for her short temper and long grudges. It would only seem fit that suspicion would run thickly in that rancid pack of emotions that coursed so easily through her veins -- like melted butter really. Thick and savory. Too savory for her own good. "My my... Aren't you a brave soul?" She broke the deafening silence as she watched the officer. There was scrutiny to be found there, a sense of it that she even paused to damn on her own. The man was a man. He was an officer. He was one of *her* officers. But even yet... She found herself far from trusting him.

"Hah, brave nothing." Almar replied as he took another sip of tea and placed the steaming mug back down on the table, "While I am allowed to leave the ship if I choose, I find myself being warned away from entertaining myself on the station because of the hostility towards people of my particular race, while I can fully understand it, I do find myself wishing that things were different."

"So you agree such hostility is merited?" The redhead's arms folded over her chest as she rocked the bulk of her weight onto one hip. "Now that's quite interesting to hear. I was expecting more of a pity party, to be honest." Rochelle answered truthfully, keeping her distance to study the Vindicator's forsaken Engineer.

"Merited, perhaps, fair, certainly not." the Cardassian replied as he turned to face the Executive Officer, "Commander Ivanova, we have not yet had the pleasure of meeting." he added with a nod and a gesture towards the open chair across the table from him, "Won't you join me?"

A greater part of Ivanova wanted to turn her nose up at the offer and deny him, but still there was that tiny -- humane -- part of her that tugged at her sleeve and saw the spirited young Commander planting her rear end in the offered seat against her better judgment. He's crew. He's one of you. He's safe. Her mantra began playing over and over again as her conscience soothed that far more bitter and wary part of her. "Sure. Why not." What a way to start any form of relationship.

"Tell me a bit about yourself."

"Should I start from the beginning? Perhaps that would be best," the Cardassian stated as he returned his gaze to the innards of the huge station, "My parents fled Cardassian at the beginning of the First Dominion War, all they wanted was peace and they could tell that the Dominion would offer our people nothing but destruction," he began before taking another sip of tea, "We were deemed traitors by our own people because we sought asylum within the Federation, years passed, the war passed, I was only young at the time, but I grew up knowing that my life was never going to be easy, people are quick to judge my outward appearance, even though I have spent nearly all of my life in the Federation and in service to Starfleet, all they see are the scales." he paused again, filled it with another sip and cleared his throat, "I've been attacked while on Earth you know, well before it was known the Cardassians had allied with the Tholians, I was attacked just for being Cardassian, just for being a Spoon-head."

"Racism at it's finest." Rochelle scoffed gently as she listened to him speak and folded her arms across her chest almost defensively. "What made you decide that Starfleet was the place to be? You had to know you wouldn't exactly be welcomed with open arms by the majority. There's still that certain sense of elitism among some of the races." She continued, studying the man's facial ridges as she spoke. He had an interesting story, that she'd give him. One that even she, the persecuted one, could easily adhere to and understand.

"Because I wanted to prove that I was different, that and I wanted to feel like I was achieving something," the Cardassian replied with a brief smile which caused the fans on his neck to shift slightly.

A slim red brow quirked up over one of Rochelle's eyes as she absorbed that answer. Her arms unfolded and her weight shifted slightly in her seat. "Different? You've most definitely proven yourself there. Now as far as achievements... You are working as the engineer on one of the baddest ships the fleet has to offer." She managed a grin, "I'd say your bases are covered, however your merit may have been a bit tarnished by recent events. But you know what they say... Shit happens."

"I'm not just stationed on this ship Commander," Almar replied as he turned and flashed her a slight grin, "I also helped to design and build this ship, I'm also the one responsible for installing the Quantite Fusion Core, there are only two other command grade officers qualified to handle such equipment," he added as he finished off his tea, "The other two are on board the ship equipped with the experimental version."

"Well aren't you a special snowflake." The Commander replied with a slight chuckle, her good humor slowly, but certainly, being won over by the candid nature of the 'spoon-head'. His apparent pride at his accomplishments only served to soften her previous opinion and misaligned distaste for him -- she too had been guilty of the stupidity that is racism, if only due to their past encounters with the rest of his species. "That adds a bit more polish to you."

"I try my best," Almar replied with a slight nod as he gestured towards the holo-waiter, "Can I have another tea please?" he asked as he handed over the empty mug, "Would you like anything Commander Ivanova?"

She mused for a moment, pondering her option and the difference in path between squeaking away having given him a chance or staying to explore further. After all, it wasn't likely that she'd ever run into another of his species and be able to sit and enjoy conversation over the comfort of tea. "I'll have what he's having." She ordered, her attention briefly being distracted by the nod of the holo-waiter. "and I'm sure you have goals... What of them?"

"My personal goals, the same as any officer I guess, eventual command of a ship, perhaps a higher level posting to the Corps of Engineers or the head of a shipyard," Almar replied honestly, "Being able to walk the streets of Earth without being attacked would be pretty nice too," he added with a light chuckle.

Walking the streets of Earth without being attacked... The words sent a chill up Ivanova's spine as they settled in for a long winter's nap somewhere in the depths of her soul. Flashes of the attack on the Whydah screamed through the very fibers of her being. All of them. Every bit of her. It was nearly unbearable until she drew a steadying breath and leveled her gaze back on the Cardassian just as two piping hot mugs appeared with a barely audible click against their shared table. "A tall order, but one I'm sure we can manage to fill in due course." She replied, her tongue worrying her lower lip for a brief second.

"Perhaps, but for the moment I am confined to the ship, not an order, but rather a recommendation by the station engineering crews." Almar replied with a slight frown as a fresh mug of tea was placed in front of him, he picked the steaming mug up and cupped it in both hands, "I doubt our next mission will make it any easier for people to accept someone of my race in Starfleet."

Swallowing a sip of tea, Rochelle nodded, "sadly, I think you may be correct." she replied as she set her mug back down, "However, change is all about making it happen for yourself. If you want to go down there, go down there. You're a Starfleet Officer."

"You really think the uniform will stop people from attacking me? It didn't last time," Almar replied with a sideways glance towards the station, "And given what has just happened on Earth, I don't think I'd walk away from an attack if it happened now."

A wry little smile crossed the refined features of the Commander's face and she leaned closer, over the table and the warmth of her tea. "You have to believe in the power of that uniform in order for it to enable to changes you want." She replied, leaning on her elbows, the tea's steaming heat tingling through the fabric of her uniform. "That or you travel with friends who have no qualms putting foot to ass in the name of Starfleet equality."

"I used to Commander, I really used to believe the uniform would protect me," the Cardassian replied with a slight smile as he laid his tea back on the table, "I was in uniform the first time they attacked me, I was in hospital for several days and off full duty for several weeks."

"Then that leaves you the option of traveling in a pack of officers in uniform. There's safety in numbers, you know." Ivanova's general smart-assery won out, touting the response like some sort of banner.

"Commander Dahe'el, the parts you requested have arrived, we need someone to sign for them." came a voice over the comm, the Quartermaster proving to be the epitome of duty.

Almar smiled slightly and stood up, giving a nod to the XO before finishing off his tea and placing the mug back on the table, "Commander, a pleasure."

"It was indeed." She replied, recoiling back into her chair, relatively pleased with her ability to hold conversation and happy that she'd forced herself to set aside her silly reservations. Not all members of ANY race were the same. No two people could ever truly be grouped into the same "class". The Cardassian Commander was an anomaly. One she could get used to. "Enjoy the rest of your day, Commander Dahe'el."

"And you Commander Ivanova," the Cardassian replied with a brief smile before turning towards the door and striding out, purpose lining every step.

(End Log.)

Commander Rochelle Ivanova
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Commander Almar Dahe'el
Chief Engineering Officer

USS Vindicator.


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