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Joint Duty Log - Dr. McGee (npc October) & Nurse Terax (npc Pond) - "And You See That They're Beautiful"

Posted on Mon Jul 21st, 2014 @ 6:05pm by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Crewman Moriah Terax

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: In the Dark

Sickbay had been on alert since Commander Ivanova had disappeared down on the planet, so when the bridge had informed them that the command team was coming in hot, everyone was ready.

They materialized on one biobed, entwined in an embrace, and the diagnostics made it clear there were no life signs coming from either. Two large nurses moved in first to pull the bodies apart, moving Captain Landon Neyes to a separate bed. Each recieved a doctor and an army of nurses, and sickbay was consumed with the chaotic symphony of the two teams barking orders and working to recapture the life that had so recently slipped from the two.

Ivanova's biobed chirped to life first, her heart reluctant at first to start pumping but eventually submitting to the persistent care of the doctor. With the start of a blood transfusion, her life signs started to level out. Neyes proved more difficult, perhaps from the added challenge that he was technically two entities living as one. In time, his biobed also started to sing, forming a sort of a harmony with Ivanova's.

"Both of them are going to need major dermal regeneration. Especially her. Blasted frost bite." The doctor half swore under his breath, muttering as he watched the flurry of activity and worked to inject another small dose of adrenaline into the Commander's neck. "At least she isn't bloody blue anymore." He looked to his nurse, then back at the broken woman on the biobed. They'd cut the tattered remnants of what looked like pajamas from her body and bundled her in a thermal blanket. The Captain, found in a sullied uniform, had been given the same treatment even though his core temperature had been much higher than hers. Troubling, considering he was a joined Trill. "Keep him stabilized. Have you contacted the Trill yet? He doesn't have forever."

"You don't think he's going to make it?" the Nurse asked, looking at the vitals on the Captain's biobed, her antennae moving along with her eyes as they skimmed the information. "Or does that symbiosis commission just want to know everything's that going on...?" She wasn't too familiar with Trill customs. She nodded to another nurse, and he ran off to contact Trill like the doctor said to.

"They're highly critical and a nightmare of red tape. They need to be contacted regardless of whether he makes it or not because it's their ultimate decision what happens next." A scoff rose from the doctor as he worked. The man was more into the old school ways of medicine, machines lacked a certain finesse. He pressed down on the woman's index fingernail, watching her capillary refill. "Still too slow. I swear it's like they don't want to come back." His brows furrowed deep in thought. "Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers, this..." He shook his finger between the two patients, "this is something else entirely. She bears the blue mark of being Atlantean royalty, but her record and physiology suggest she's human. Not that it makes any difference, mind you, I just find it curious."

The nurse tilted her head, looking at the blue mark the doctor indicated, her antennae curling in curiosity. "I'd heard some rumors about the Symbiosis commission, I didn't realize it was that bad. Why would anyone agree to be at their mercy?" Her attention turned to the Trill captain, her antennae drooping in sympathy. "If he stays in the coma, he may not even know what happened in the end, until they put his slug in another body."

"Because it's an honor, a great honor to be chosen." Doctor McGee responded, setting the Commander's hand back at her side. He noted the nature of the Andorian's depression, the way she seemed to feel for the plight of the Captain she tended to. A hand clapped her shoulder with a sigh, "It's a risk they take. He's a strong man, a Captain of a starship and a Trill. I'm sure he'll chalk it up to experience and leave it at that."

McGee paused, his hand leaving the nurse's shoulder to run a finger along his own chin, "Of course they did arrive in an embrace. Maybe the ship rumors weren't just rumor after all. If that's the case, then this is truly sad and means he gave it all up to try and rescue her. The plot thickens." Always one for a good story, he looked between the two battered and bloodied unconscious people as if waiting for them to speak. "We may see to cleaning them up a bit."

Nurse Terax nodded, and moved to retrieve the cart with the various cleaning supplies. She selected Ivanova, and started delicately washing away the blood and dirt from the petite red-head's face. "It was sweet, the way they held each other as they came in. Hopefully the symbiosis commission won't see need to move Neyes to a new host. She looks like she'll come back with time, right doctor?"

He paused with a bit of wet gauze in his hands, considering the nurse's words before nodding and setting to removing blood and grime from the Trill's face. "If she wants to, she will. It's all up to what her body wants to do at this point. Our battle is won, her heart is beating." McGee mused out loud as he revealed spot after spot along the Captain's temple. "I'm hopeful they won't move him either, but either way they'll likely never see one another again." Again the doctor paused, this time while retrieving more cleaning supplies, "Which, if they were lovers, is a story of heartbreak. Someone should write it. I once knew a girl in the academy that went through something similar. only it was with a subspace pen pal and rumor was that he made up the entire thing out of boredom. Real twisted story. Not like this at all."

"That sounds horrible, why would anyone do that?" The nurse carefully brushed hair off Ivanova's brow, marveling at the color. "And why wouldn't they see each other again, even if they don't move him?"

"It happens. A relatively popular football player once made up his own girlfriend and her death back in the twenty-first century. Caused a real riot among the fans." The older man shrugged, "Trill are Trill. They'll have him move on to something bigger and better to prove he's not going to put the symbiont at risk again. Her?" He looked over his shoulder, "She'll martyr her heart for the ship. She's notorious for it."

"Martyr her heart?" The phrase didn't make sense to Moriah, she knew the literal translation of the words into her mother tongue, but she didn't understand what was meant by them. As she continued to wash Ivanova, she gave the woman's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Sacrifice love for the sake of the ship and her crew." McGee reiterated, examining the Captain's face and neck for any other signs of carnage before moving on, "It's a sorrow, but a common tale among the gilded few."

"The most tragic of tales," Moriah insisted, again squeezing the commander's hand.

"I suppose." McGee nodded and shrugged, "At least she has a crew that loves her. Bloody Spoonhead nearly killed us all playing hero." He muttered, drawing breath to say more when the Commander's bed began to chirp wildly. A smile crinkled his aging features as he watched the notoriously spirited woman toss her head to the side. "She's waking. Be prepared to calm her, I don't want to risk harming her heart with a sedative."

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Dr McGee
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator

Nurse Moriah Terax
USS Vindicator


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