Uss Vindicator

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JDL | Ens Barnes & Cmdr Archer

Posted on Mon Feb 23rd, 2015 @ 7:16am by Commander James Archer & Ensign

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Spot To Kill
Location: Intel Office

Catalina checked her grey Intel uniform once again despite having checked it three times in the last five minutes. As soon as her hand graced the chime that led to the Chief of Intelligence office, she would get to meet the man who had been absent since she had came aboard Vindicator. Taking a breath, she touched the chime and waited to be admitted into her future.

James was leaned back in his chair, feet on his desk, eyes closed, sipping a tall glass of ice tea, while listening to the 20th century Earth band Led Zeppelin. Hearing the door chime, James shouts, "Yo!"

Yo? Rocky wondered before taking it as permission to enter. Taking a breath, she entered the Chief's office. "Ensign Catalina Barnes, reporting for duty as the new Encryption Specialist, Commander Archer."

"Ensign Catalina Barnes, do you like music? Can you tell me what makes this band one of if not the greatest in the history of Earth music," James asked as the song 'Black Dog' started to play. "Sure, the Rolling Stones had Mic Jagger who was hip, the Beatles wrote and performed numerous hits, but Led Zeppelin." James paused to take in the lyrics, "Power, force, and mystery. That is what makes them the greatest. The same reasons why this ship and my intel team are the greatest."

James took a drink from his glass, and sat up in his chair and looked the Ensign over, "I want to go over a few things. First, Intel officers on my team dress the part. No uniforms. Second, you report to me and only me. Not to the CO, not to the XO, and definitely not to some schmuck know it all Admiral. If you think there's something they need to know, you tell me first and I'll make that determination. Third, I do not tolerate 'Lone Wolves', especially from probies. That's how you get yourself and others killed. I will let you know when you're ready for special assignments. Fourth, never keep information from you team. If you know something, heard something, or are told to do something from someone else, you let me know. Any questions?"

Rocky listened to the music for a moment. "To be honest, Commander Archer, I'm not familiar with that band," she said. Not having been given permission to sit, she remained standing. "No, Sir. I understand. I've already met Lieutenant Black, although she and I haven't seen eye to eye on certain matters, I am learning from her on how things run in this department since you weren't available, Sir." She made a mental note to dress in other than a uniform when next he saw her.

"If you don't have any questions, welcome aboard, and dismissed." James put his feet back on his desk, and kicked back to enjoy his music.

"Do you have any questions for me, Commander?" Rocky asked him.

"Nope," James replied. "I know where you live if I do."

"Yes, Sir," she said, then got up, turned and headed out.

Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator


Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator


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