Uss Vindicator

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JDL | Cmdr Archer & LtJg Black | "God! Do you get Hard every time you get to Play the Tough Guy Card?"

Posted on Mon Feb 23rd, 2015 @ 8:39am by Lieutenant JG Teá Black & Commander James Archer
Edited on on Mon Feb 23rd, 2015 @ 8:41am

746 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Spot To Kill
Location: Planet Surface

The next morning Teá was a little tired but she was glad she went on that evening stroll she didn't exactly learn anything but it was still informative. Walking down to the dining room she looked around and spotted the one person that she hadn't yet met and that someone was a big mystery and truly the one person that scared her even more than the Commodore. "Commander mind if I join you?"

James was sitting reading morning reports while Almar took the morning guard watch over Rochelle. Without taking his eyes off the padd, he extends his arm and points down, indicating that the Lieutenant needs to sit.

"Of course sir." Teá said taking a seat and setting whatever they called this drink trying to convince her it was like coffee which it clearly was not.

"Commodore Delila Smith." James tosses a PADD across the table. "I have only three words untill you explain. What the fuck?"

Truth be told she wasn't surprised that he knew the commodore was a loose cannon, "If you know about her you know about my assignment and that it has been in the works since the Triad War and then Civil War. Was I wrong to include that green as hell ensign, probably but you know my record and how I work."

"I didn't get to brief you when you checked on board. So let me make this crystal clear," James said sternly, leaning forward in his seat. "I do not like, nor tollerate, Lone Wolves. You report to one person on the Vindicator and one person in Starfleet, and that one person is me. Not Ivanova. Not Waterhouse. You do NOT accept assignments from anyone other than me. Lone wolf activity is how you get yourself and your team mates killed."

James sat back in his seat, "Now because you took it upon yourself to destroy Starfleet property without my consent, for the duration of this mission you are not allowed to wear civilian clothes. You will wear your uniform and be 100% inspection ready. Do I make myself clear?"

Teá just nodded for punishment this was the best she could've hoped for. "Do I still have permission to finish my assignment?"

"Negative! We do not work for JAG. If JAG wants information on the Commodore, they can get it their dammed selves, and if I find out that you have disobeyed this order, I will burn you."

"Fine." Teá said knowing that this wasn't going to be over just 'cause some macho commander says so, "here you should have this it's the only copy minus the shadow file on the intel computer core. You can decide how to use it. It's a great read." Teá said sliding the a PaDD across the table. Standing up, "may I be dismissed."

James is one who hardly gets pissed off. He's always believed that anger blinds you and you can't be blind, in this line of work, but this little shit of a JO was pushing his buttons. "Lieutenant? While most of Starfleets regulations do not apply to the intel corps, we still have honors and ceremonies and I do not recall on any occassion where it is acceptable for a Junior Officer, especially when they're being reprimanded, to ask for dismissal. Now, get your ass back up to the ship, change into your full dress whites, and report back to me. You have 30 minutes."

"God! Do you get hard every time you get to play the tough guy card?" Teá asked looking at the commander caring less about what he was making her do or even how ridiculously stupid she was more pissed about being treated like a damn little kid when everything that she has done were fucking orders from superior officers.

"I don't think you get it, Ensign. I will send your ass back to the academy and if that doesn't work, I will end you. You now have 29 minutes and you're burning daylight. Now MOVE YOUR ASS!" James yelled so loud it echoed through the halls.

"Well that answers my question." Teá said with a smirk deciding sidestep the ensign remark, "on my way sir." Teá said slowly walking out of the hall not caring that everyone saw or heard this display. The way she saw it it was just a man trying to exert his control over someone.

Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator

Lieutenant Junior Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator


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