Uss Vindicator

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PLOT - JDL | Cmdr Archer, Ensign Barnes, Ensign Black, CMC Caine - "Star Trek 27: The Search for Rock"

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2015 @ 5:25am by Commander James Archer & Lieutenant JG Teá Black & Ensign & Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine

1,042 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Spot To Kill
Location: Atlantis Prime

James waited for all he summoned to enter the hallway. "OK," James exclaimed, "We don't have time to deal with the shit going on in there. Everyone beam back to the ship, grab winter gear, and meet at the stables in 15 minutes."

James didn't wait for anyone to respond, tapped his commbadge, "Archer to Vindicator, 7 to beam up."

Once on the ship Teá quickly headed for security and grabbed the winter gear and quickly pulled it on. While there she grabbed a Mk I phaser carbine and making sure her type II phaser was working. She then moved quickly headed to intelligence to grab a couple more toys specifically an energy knife and a couple of power cells along with four more tracking drones with all of that she made it back to the transporters and beamed to the stables.

Heading to get her winter gear, Rocky also stopped at the armory to get a few more clips for her Type II phaser and chose a Type I phaser as well, tucking that in a hidden pocket in her coat sleeve and two extra clips for that. Once she had everything, she beamed back down the planet directly to the stables.

Rik returned to the ship with the others and had headed to the security offices to change into cold weather gear. As he fastened the jacket, and grabbed the face mask and goggles he sighed looking over the array of weaponry available. Tempting, but this hadn't escalated that far yet and he would work better travelling light. Mini-PADD, concealed Type I Cricket and a tricorder. He didn't need anything else. Arriving back at the agreed coordinates Rik joined the others with a stoic silence as he waited to hear the Commander's plan.


When Black and Barnes beamed back down, James was at the stables tightening the saddle cinch on the Atlantian equivalent of a bay Clydesdale while he was waiting for the rest of the team to show. "Barnes, Black, Caine who knows how to ride and I seriously mean ride. Not, I rode a pony at my 5th birthday so I'm a professional instructor ride either."

Rocky looked up at the huge horse-like animal and shook her head. "No, Sir," she said.

"I have some riding experience but not enough for this type of mission." Teá said realizing at times the old-school training like learning how to ride was still very very important.

Rik looked at the beast and then raised an eyebrow at the Commander, arched enough to put a Vulcan to shame. "Unless that thing has an engine and a console... I'm likely to end up in a Chicago overcoat if I tried" he said eyeing the beast suspiciously.

James paused a moment, looked at Rik like the man had eight heads, "The hell did you just say? For a moment, I thought I Dixon Hill in the 'Big Goodbye.'" Shaking his head, he climbed aboard the horse, "So none of you can ride a horse. Barnes, get your ass up here, and hold on tight. Caine, Black head Southwest on foot, We'll head due West up the Mountain." James looked at the remaining Security Officers, "You three head North to the bluffs, then down to the beach and Head West. Everyone report in every 5 minutes. When I tell you to take a break, start a fire and warm your asses up. It's going to get really fucking cold tonight."

Watching how Commander Archer had mounted the beast, Rocky did her best to imitate him until she found herself seated behind him. The creature was so large that she found herself grateful for her flexibility, but suspected that she was still going to be sore when the ride was done. Hesitantly, she got a grip on Archer and took a breath. "Ready, Sir," she said.

Chuckling Rik didn't bother to explain as he nodded to Teá and pulled out his tricorder, flicking it open and calibrating the geo-sensor to southwest. "Let's head out then" he commented as he pulled on the mask and goggles and fastened up the hood. As he looked at the terrain ahead thankful he'd packed light.

Slacking the reigns, clicking his tongue, and giving the large animal a slight kick to its flanks, Archer demanded that the animal start moving forward. Then with a 'kiss kiss', the behemoth of a creature started a full on three point canter. "Hold on tight, Barnes."

"Yes, Sir," Rocky responded, tightening her grip.

"Give me one sec I'll send out a couple of drones to help with our search. She said pulling out the four tracking drones that looked like mini frisbee's. Using her TED (tactical eye display) she set a few things up first, she set the TED up so she could see what any of the four drones were seeing and second set-up up a search radius for them. "alright ready to go." She said with a grin.

James' commbadge chirped to life with the voice of the ships Yeoman, "Commander Archer, this is Petty Officer DuPont."

The Intel officer quickly tapped his badge, "Go ahead, DuPont."

"I just recieved a data packet, looks like it may have come from Ivanova," Cecil explained, flicking at his PADD to pull up the specifics again. "It came from the mountain range west of the city, maybe 10 miles or so out.”

“Thank you, Petty Officer. Send it to me. Archer out.” The Commander replied, pulling out his PADD in wait for the up link and wasn't disappointed. His eyes scanned back and forth as the massive amount of information vomited across the screen, one hang still buried in the animal's mane as it bounded across the planet surface. “Holy shit. This could be bad. This could be very bad,” He hissed and set to work, slapping the combadge on his chest, "Archer to Caine and Black. Change of plans. Head back to camp. I know where the Commodore is, stay quiet about it until we arrive. Archer out."


Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator

Ensign Catalina "Rocky" Barnes
Encryption Specialist
USS Vindicator

Lieutenant JG Tea Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator

Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
Security Investigator/Chief of the Boat
USS Vindicator


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