Uss Vindicator

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Security on the Prowl

Posted on Tue Sep 29th, 2015 @ 5:30am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil

179 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Agua Mala
Location: USS-Vindicator
Timeline: SD:2409.28

Te'shara was getting ready for duty,in her Quarters,she wanted to make sure she had
her weapon ,and was ready for patrol work... Te'shara headed for the Turbo Lift,
and it took her to Security.. (a few mins later) Te'shra got off the lift,and walked to
the security Office to check in,as usual..There was no one in the Security Office,
So Te'shara looked at the padd to see what needs to be done for Security,so
Te`shara signed in on the padd,so it would count,that she was on duty...
Te'shara then left to go on duty ,as usual to see if theres any action aboard the
Te'shara went on rounds,and seen other Security Officers around with the area,and
Te'shara went up to one of the security officers,to check in to see whats up on the
Vindicator.. She chatted with a couple of the security,about whats been going on,so far
on the Vindicator..and they chatted about other things as well..

Lt Te'shara R'heil
Security Officer


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