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JDL | Cmdr Archer, Ens Diangelo | "First day of work."

Posted on Tue Apr 10th, 2018 @ 4:09pm by Ensign Amelia Diangelo & Commander James Archer

1,258 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Lacuna
Location: Diangelo's Quarters

"James.., James..!? JAMES!!"

A distressed Amelia shot up after being awakened from a horrid nightmare, she rubbed one of her eyes with a soft fist while slowly catching her breath and calming herself down. 'I haven’t had one in years.., why now?' The young woman asked herself when rolling over to lift herself up and gave her teddybear sitting on the head rest of the bed a groggy gaze as she looked to him for an answer. Receiving none she sat on the edge od her bed and gazed around the dark bedroom eventually reaching the window. 'How many days, weeks has it been since I last saw him?' The girl couldn't remember everything was a blur, her head thumped like mad after drinking too much last night. 'what did I do last night?'

Amelia started to panic slightly, then quickly looked over her shoulder and sighed with relief. “Daddy would kill me if I did that.” As she muttered a glimmer of gold hit the corner of her eyes. It was her personal combadge given to her by James all those years ago, a reminder not to do something stupid like that maybe?

“Whatever…” She muttered again as she rose, dragging her hands across her face Amelia reluctantly shuffled herself into her living area, past the numerous swords hanging on the wall, her guitar and drum set that she narrowly managed to dodge in the dark "Computer..." She yawned as she stood before the replicator and froze as suddenly realized there was a figure sitting on the couch in the middle of the darkened living area.

"Someday you're going to realize that those nightmares are just that." James sighed from his seat, coffee in hand as he went over reports on a PADD. Rochelle was ill, taken down by something as simple as low blood sugar and it certainly left him with his head tilted off to one side. It didn't sit right. The woman was always running with something in her hand - an apple... bagel... muffin... crackers stashed in her desk that she didn't think he knew about. Landon had known about them, what the hell made her think the ship's resident ghost wouldn't? He snorted at the thought, reviewing the doctor's notes about the Commodore's condition. "Anyway... Coffee's hot. Drink it black, chase it with water. Ro-- Commodore Ivanova won't be around to give you your orders, that duty falls to me and you likely won't like it them because they won't be easy to follow."

"Daddy..." Amelia started with a sigh as she forcefully closed her eyes when the room was suddenly eluminated at the default setting. Rubbing her face again and stumbling to the couch to take a seat next to him, the smell of coffee was as inviting as ever.

She wasn't surprised to see him as James had pulled this kind of stunt before, numerous times even but never after a graduation party. "What the fuck.., ugh..," The girl reached for a pack of smokes, a bad habit she had picked up during one of her training excursions, She grunted as her headache got worse and the light that had suddenly been turned on didn't help much either.

"Your mouth, Amelia..." He glowered, prying the cigarettes from her hands, crumbling them in his. "Coffee. Black. Water. You want to party? Great. But we're operating on yellow alert after the Captain took a nose dive from not eating and the station tried to blow itself up." Rising from the couch, one of the intel officer's eyebrow's quirked, "So I'm going to need you to pull yourself together because as of an hour ago," his eyes flicked towards a chronometer on the wall, confirming the time, "You were officially on duty. Or did you forget? You know what... I don't want to know. What I want you to do is square yourself away and start keeping track of when and what Ivanova eats. I want to know everything. If she su..." His mouth snapped shut, eyes following suit. The crass comment wouldn't do any of them any favors, "Just keep an eye on her and report to me. She won't like you snooping around her business, but we need to keep her alive."

Having her first smoke of the day denied made the young woman a little irritated and pouted for an instant and shook it off, her father was right, time to man up she choose this profession. Time to act like it! Besides she could always go to another party if the job allowed it or have another smoke if Amelia ever got the chance today. Amelia reached out to the cup of coffee next to a glass of cold water and sipped from cup, savoring the taste as she listened to James, looking at him to let him know she was paying attention and taking in as much as her hungover head could manage. “I will do my best daddy.” The young woman in her undies replied downing the last bit of coffee.

When it looked like he was finished with his preaching Amelia took a deep breath and drank the cold glass of water in one go and shot off the couch, she walked towards him, still feeling a bit crappy but better than she was a few minutes ago. Amelia opened her arms and hugged her lightly a sigh of relief left her mouth as James wasn’t a hologram this time, giving him a little kiss on his beardy cheek with a soft chuckle.” I will look after her, keep my eyes on her like a hawk. Security would have to throw me in the brig before I stop snooping.” Amelia said confidently while having her chin on his shoulder.

A nod, a hug, and James was happy to turn her loose on the world, "I'll hold you to that. I believe it goes without saying that the Commodore is extremely important... Especially to me." He cleared his throat, returning to tapping his fingers on his PADD, "Anyway... If you need me, I'll be somewhere. Try not to be late anymore because you'll learn extremely quickly that family or not, you'll have your ass handed to you for your short comings. We're Starfleet and we're stationed in an extremely dangerous part of space."

She lifted the corner of her mouth in amusement as he began to preach again, “Yes daddy, It's a dangerous universe out there.” Amelia answered almost sarcastically in response, walked towards her bedroom to get herself properly dressed. “The Commodore, and nearly every other young woman you come into contact.“ The girl murmured walking into her bed room knowing all too well about his pursuits to gather intel. Rochelle, however was different even granny couldn’t stop about it, Amelia was glad she had a different approach to gathering intel from men than her father did with women.

The eyebrow went up again and he went to snap a retort, but thought better of it. "I'll see you later." He called out, shaking his head as he pocketing his PADD and took his leave.

"Bye, daddy..." Amelia called out from her room as she heard him say goodbye. Finally a real assignment, something to really sink her teeth into. She loved a challenge, it was time to show James what she was made of and hopefully make him proud.


Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer


Ensign Amelia DiAngelo
Intelligence Officer


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