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JL | Lt Ch'Valenvok, Lt JG Charlson & Ens Jone - "Ouch"

Posted on Thu Jul 13th, 2017 @ 2:41pm by Captain Kaleb Ch'Valenvok M.D. & Ensign Jane Jones

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resurgere
Location: Sickbay

Lily woke to the pristine white lights of sickbay. She tried to raise her head to look around but was stopped by a sudden pain in her head. "Urghhh..." She moaned. She couldn't remember what had happened but knew it couldn't have been good. She slowly became more aware of her surroundings, hearing the constant beep, beep, beep of the monitor next to her, and the distant sound of voices, supposedly belonging to the Doctors and Nurses around the room. "Hello?" She asked croakily, trying to get someone's attention.

Jane had been assigned the night shift, monitoring patients and dealing with minor injuries. This night it was only her and the on-call Doctor, who just happened to also be the CMO. Jane fortunately only had a few patients to deal with, most of which only required checkups every few hours. The only one who required more regular observations was a Lieutenant by the name of Lily Charlson, who had been injured by an exploding console a few weeks earlier. Her wounds had originally been life threatening, however, she had fortunately survived, and had been placed into a medically induced coma, to speed up the healing process.

Jane was just finishing her rounds when she heard someone call out. She realized it was Lily, and walked over. "Stay calm, you were hurt pretty bad there, you've been in a coma for about a week to help you heal. Looks like you're healing nicely. Let me get the Doctor down here." She stepped to one side, tapping her commbadge.

"Nurse Jones to Doctor Ch'Valenvok, could you please come to Sickbay, Lieutenant Charlson is awake." She said.

Kaleb was busy in his office, updating patient charts when his commbadge chirped. He listened to the message and tapped his communicator. "I'll be right in, Nurse Jones." Standing from his desk, Kaleb picked up his medical tricorder and headed toward the recovery ward where he currently had three patients. Lieutenant Charlson had been admitted nearly two days ago with a head injury. Security had brought her in after finding her unconscious in her quarters when she had not reported for duty. There had been no detectable signs of a struggle and her case was a bit of a puzzle to security, as he understood it.

Entering the recovery ward, Kaleb pressed a sequence of buttons on his tricorder and updated the small device with the information from Lieutenant Charlson's bio-bed. Her vitals were stable though she still had bruising near the corner of her eye stretching to her temple where she had been struck or fallen against something. He had healed the fracture to her upper orbit but only time would heal those nasty reminders of her trauma.

"Well Lieutenant, you seem to be getting along a bit better." Kaleb ran a scan of his own to confirm as he spoke to the woman. "Do you remember how you ended up in this condition?"

Lily shook her head. "No, the last I remember was going to my quarters and getting ready to sleep. How did I get here?" She asked, confused.

"Security was alerted when you did not report to your station two days ago. You were found with a nasty bump to the head. Why is still unclear, Lieutenant. Amnesia is not uncommon with head injuries like yours. Most often with a little rest the memories of the incident will return." Kaleb made a few notes as his antenna twitched in concern.

"I am going to keep you here for the next twenty-four hours for observation. You may get up and move freely around the sickbay if you feel you need to but please do not leave. Dizziness and fatigue often strike at a moments notice with an injury like this. I think you will recover without any adverse effects but we don't want to push it just yet." Again, Kaleb noted down a few things on his PADD updating her chart. "I'm sure security will have some questions for you, so if anything jogs your memory please let Nurse Jones or the attending duty nurse know." With that, Kaleb turned to walk away.

Lily nodded as the Doctor walked away. She had no idea what had happened two nights ago, but planned to find out. She wasn't accustomed to being the victim, usually being the one investigating these kind of things.

Jane looked down at Lily, smiling. "I'll only be on the other side of the room, shout if you need anything, ok?" She said, looking around sickbay.

"Thank you, i'll let you know if I start to remember anything." She smiled as Jane walked away. She hoped she'd remember soon.


Lieutenant Kaleb Ch'Valenvok M.D.
Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant JG Lily Charlson
Security Officer


Ensign Jane Jones
Head Nurse


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