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SD 241303.26 JL - Captain Dar & LtCmdr Neyes "Next!"

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2013 @ 3:23am by Captain Olan Dar & Captain Landon Neyes

663 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Captain's Ready Room

With the ship nearly ready to depart Dar had just one more piece of business to attend to before they left.

"Commander Neyes, report to my ready room."

Landon closed his tasks on the helm controls and signaled for his relief officer to take over the CONN. Once up, he strolled over to the office.

Entering the room, he stood just past the door and stopped. "Cap?"

"Sit down, Commander." the Captain offered then put down the padd he was reading.

"As you know we're heading back to Earth soon. We will be delivering Commander Lansine to Starfleet Security when we arrive."

Landon grew visibly tense at the mention of Rob's recall back to Earth. He hadn't had time to talk to Lansine about what it was Starfleet wanted with him, and it was tearing away at him. There were few people Landon considered friends in this world, and Rob was at the forefront of that closely guarded group of people. The prospect of having to drop him off to face something as rigid as an investigation by Starfleet security... and then just leave him there. It wasn't sitting well.

Neyes delivered his response with a tight restraint, "I was aware of that, yes."

"We'll take the chance to make some crew changes and might as well resupply. Unfortunately there is no indication of how long Lansine will be occupied, so in his absence we'll need an acting First Officer."

A moment came when Landon worried Dar expected Lansine to be gone indefinitely. "Sir." He moved in closer to the desk, "Are we really going to let Rob take on SFSEC alone? How can we be talking about replacing him already?" Neyes was honestly having trouble listening to his captain give in to this series of events so quickly. The comment about the first officer didn't even register.

Olan could understand Neyes' viewpoint. He was not thrilled at the idea of having Lansine unceremoniously snatched away like this.

"The orders are valid, Landon. And Rob is willing to see it through. I don't like it one bit, but.. that is the situation we find ourselves in." he said, "Starfleet Security does have quite the bug up its butt about him.. or something they think he knows. The only way to resolve this is to let it play out."

"I imagine they will have found very little of use by the end of this and all that time and energy will have been wasted."

Neyes' gaze shifted out the windows of the Captain's office. There were so many things he wanted to do, but knew would solve absolutely nothing of value. Of course, Dar could be right and it would all blow over in the end, but it was still endlessly frustrating for him to simply have some faceless beaurocrat nab his friend and superior right before their eyes. Landon didn't like to feel helpless when a friend was involved, and especially not Rob.

He muttered something ancient, and disparingly vulgar in Trill.

"Regardless, we will not be sitting still. We're at war.. and I presume we might be getting new orders once I see the President." Olan said.

Landon shook his head incredulously, "The President? Why would you be meeting with the President for new orders?" Now Neyes simply felt left in the dark.

"Commander, relax. Take a breath. I have information to deliver directly to the President's hands... and it may determine our next mission." Olan said, putting it into better context, "In the mean time, as I said we'll need an acting First Officer and that is going to be you. Congratulations. You can thank Lansine for the recommendation."

Neyes blinked. "Uh, thank you, Captain." In truth Landon had never considered the possibility of moving into a true command position, even if it might be temporary. "I'll do that, sir."

"Good. In the mean time, let's put some more use into that slipstream drive and get us back to Earth pronto."


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