Backlog || JL || "Support Systems" || XO & Helmsman || Cmdr Lansine & LtCmdr Neyes ||
Posted on Sat Mar 30th, 2013 @ 10:07pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class John Capellupo & Captain Landon Neyes
732 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission: Secret Meetings
=/\= First Officer's Office =/\=
Neyes rang the chime on the door, resisting the urge to simply override the controls and stroll in unannounced. He was trying to be more supportive, though. The news Rob was being recalled to Starfleet Security near Earth was startling news for all involved, and as Landon's closest friend, Neyes was having trouble staying quiet. He crossed his arms anxiously, tapped his fingers on his elbows.
"Come," Lansine said defeatedly. He was slouched back in his chair and looking out the far window as the Vindicator slid through subspace on its way back to Starfleet Command. With their mission complete and the crew safe there was no hiding from Heifner and her call from SFSEC.
What they wanted him for, however, was far beyond his pay grade.
"Robby. What's going on?" Landon felt a wash of relief at finally getting to bring the question out into the open. Until this point they'd been shot at and chased around, not leaving much time for honest conversation. "You're being recalled?"
Lansine did not turn to face his friend, "Heifner's orders were validated by Starfleet Operations this morning. We're headed back to Earth to drop me off."
Neyes unfolded his arms and raised one up in disbelief, his irritated frustration with their situation was obvious by now, "Does Starfleet just do this to it's people all the time? I thought the Federation was a beacon of transparent honesty and integrity." Of course he didn't believe a word of that, seeing what he'd seen, but it helped to illustrate his point nonetheless. "Can we do anything? They give you no reason, no word, and you're the 2nd in command of the most powerful ship in the fleet. What does it take?!"
Rob turned slowly back to the belligerent Trill, "I'm really not sure, Landon," the formalities of rank seemed besides the point given he was under investigation by the department tasked with organizational security.
"Whatever it is, they'll have their blood."
Landon sighed. "I'm sorry." He forced himself to stand down, moving more relaxed over to the large windows which still looked out at the streams of light as they were hurled through space towards the very problem they were here to discuss. He tapped a control on the replicator, "Raktajino, extra hot."
"What do you think they want with you? Are you not telling me something?" Landon said, not a bit of accusation entering his voice. Landon had been with Robert the whole of his career as an officer. There were very few things Neyes wasn't sure he could guess about the man. While there were always surprises, he doubted Lansine capable of anything to warrant a hearing, or whatever, at SFSEC.
The pressure mounting on Lansine from the Admirals at Starfleet Command was hard enough to deal with without having to explain himself to Landon. His Trill friend always had a knack for breaking Rob down, but this time he couldn't afford to let his friend in. If someone at Starfleet so much as considered Neyes a part of this investigation... no, Lansine couldn't let that happen. He'd have to deal with Walz' accusations by himself.
"They want me to come in and answer questions, Landon. I can't really say more."
Neyes wasn't exactly a stranger to covert musings. "That's alright, Robby." Neyes smiled a little as he sipped his drink, taking a seat beneath the windows on the far side from Rob. "I almost broke you out of prison before. I don't think I'd fail if I tried again. Especially not in a federation prison." Neyes winked at his friend. Although Landon didn't think Lansine was in any danger of being hauled off to be confined for some kind of crime, he wanted Rob to know he wouldn't hesitate to do it, despite the joke.
The voice of the Captain came over the comm, "All Senior officers to the bridge. We'll arrive at Starbase in 20 minutes."
The two men looked up at the speaker over Lansine's desk. Rob stood, "Best get going I suppose."
"You'll be fine," Landon said, standing and moving in close to Rob's desk. He was saying it half because he believed it, and half because he needed to believe it.
Rob took a deep breath, "I certainly hope so," he shown a side of venerability for the first in what seemed like a very long time.