Plot Log | "Time to Go" | XO | Commander Landon Neyes
Posted on Wed Apr 24th, 2013 @ 7:35am by Captain Landon Neyes
Edited on on Wed Apr 24th, 2013 @ 7:36am
488 words; about a 2 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: Bridge
=/\= Bridge =/\=
Neyes walked onto the bridge, having traded shifts with the Captain in order to allow him some private time to review their current mission. With a cup of coffee in his hand he took the few steps off the turbolift and onto the large deck of the Vindicator's bridge. A few officers were stationed at their posts, and a few even looked up at him and nodded their respect.
From this vantage point it looked different. The helm was no longer his post, and it was no longer necessary to run down the entire length of the bridge to get there.
Here he was, Landon Neyes, on the bridge of one of the largest line ships in the Federation, and he was her first officer. The weight of it should have felt like more, it seemed. Given his vast years of memory as a host, nearly eight centuries, the impressive pressure seemed lost on him as he took his seat at the command station.
Landon leaned back a little and brought up the command interface. "Looks like we're about ready. Helm, report. Have we received our package?" He spoke of course about the President and his contingent, but they had neglected to come up with a less conspicuous name than "Mr. President." For the time being Neyes was considering them secure cargo. He wouldn't be speaking to them right away, naturally, and so he might as well assume as much.
"All tucked in, sir. We're clear to go whenever you're ready." The helmsman said, looking up at his previous department head.
Landon nodded.
"This is Commander Neyes to all hands. Please report to duty stations. Until further notice this ship is at Yellow Alert status. We are entering a potentially hostile area of space on two fronts. Our peace with the Romulans is stressed during our war with the Tholians. Stay ready. Neyes out.
Landon turned to the yeoman on duty, "Inform science I want a fully detailed map of this sector in the next 24 hours. Ship placements, potential threats. Everything. I'd like a report from Engineering on our shield strength and any ways we can improve our defensive ability."
The yeoman frantically jotted it all down on a PaDD while the Commander spoke. "Anything else sir?"
Neyes tapped a few commands into his small console. "Have the Marine Captain meet me in half an hour. We have a little issue to solve.
"And Mr. Williams, work with Engineering on the best way to defend against a Tholian attack should we need to defend ourselves. I know we're not headed for the front, but every little bit helps."
A broad, confident smile brightened Landon's face as he looked out toward the main viewer. It was time to leave, finally. "Well then, let's go. Helm, find me a way into Romulan space that isn't too obvious.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Commander Landon Neyes
First Officer
Various crew (apb Landon)