JDL |CAG & FP| |MCapt Keggle & 1Lt Howard| Were you Treated with Kid Gloves?
Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2013 @ 1:02am by Captain Elar Keggle & Lieutenant JG Lynda Howard
492 words; about a 2 minute read
Secret Meetings
Location: Flight Deck
=*= Flight Deck, USS Vindicator =*=
Elar was furious, "check my damn maneuvering thrusters there off." He said pounding his bird, "Carter get a CAP out there now." He basically shouted into his comm. Carter knew better to joke around with Elar when he was in this kind of mood.
"Green flight to your birds you've got a CAP." Carter said over the flight comm system. That would echo throughout all flight related areas on the ship.
"You with me." Elar said glaring at the young pilot. Elar than entered one of the supply closets on the flight deck. "What in the hell was going through your head back there?"
Lynda followed Elar, not because she wanted to but because he was ordering her too. She didn't respond right away. She made a small mistake nothing too serious and if he was going to growl and bite off everyone's head she wasn't going to acknowledge his question until he could calm down a bit. True he was Captain but that didn't give him the license to act like a snarling tantrum throwing child...
"Lieutenant if you're thinking your behavior out there was a small mistake you're stupider than I thought you were. Do you know what that rubble was from?" Elar asked.
"If your going to yell at me and insult me I have nothing to say to you Elar. I made a mistake. I do not know what that rubble was from but a mistake is a mistake. I didn't get anyone killed and I was ready for anything that happened. But I do not have to stand here and let you insult me." Lynda said coldly turning to walk away from him. "Stupider is not a word." She threw in with a sneer over her shoulder...
Elar just laughed, "lieutenant how long as it been since you left OCS (officer candidate school), basic training and flight school?"
"A year and a half." Lynda admitted.
"And in your basic training, OCS and flight school did the instructors treat you with kid gloves or did they break you down and rebuild you into what they need you to be?" Elar said looking at the lieutenant.
"No Captain no one treated me with kid gloves. I went to the same OCS as any other officer here. We were broken down and rebuilt like like you were." Lynda told him making sure her voice was calm and neutral she didn't need to end up sounding as if she were being insubordinate or something..."I screwed up, I know that. It wont happen again." She told him...
"Good, now dismissed." Elar said taking a deep breath watching the young firey lieutenant leave the storage room.
Lynda didn't stick around. She needed a shower and a drink...
Marine Captain Elar "Black Mamba" Keggle
251st Tactical Assault Squadron Commander
Red Flight Leader
USS Vindicator-E
1st Lieutenant Lynda Howard
251st Tactical Assault Squadron
Blue Flight Leader
USS Vindicator-E