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JDL | "My Motion Fatigue" | aCO, aXO | Cmdr Landon Neyes, Cmdr Rochelle Ivanova

Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2013 @ 6:20pm by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Captain Landon Neyes

1,239 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Holodeck Four

A drip of sweat rolled patiently down Neyes' face as he leaned over the edge. On one foot and arms outstretched, his muscles tightened and grabbed, keeping him upright and strong. He arched backwards and felt the floor as his hands reached out over him, or rather beneath him, as first one foot rose above his head.

Exercise was always something Landon had been careful to practice. The holodeck walls illustrated the gentle skies of Trill, a slight green tint shining overhead. A cool breeze tickled the wetness on his brow, and for a moment he wouldn't have traded the calm for anything. The stresses of the days on a starship kept him at odds with reason and frustration. People were difficult to handle, especially for someone who had so few conversations that seemed new. For 750 years, Neyes had said many things, but getting his heart racing didn't require words.

And was more fun.

The holodeck had given Ivanova a chance to escape the doldrums of bed rest now that her book had been thoroughly dissected and once again relegated to a shelf. But then there was the ultimate dismay of realizing that someone else had gone over their time and the even greater irritation at realizing that her brash nature wouldn't be enough to send them fleeing for the proverbial hills. The little redhead instead stood watching the Trill man's body contort and bend and ultimately wind up in retrograde as he stood on his hands, the tightness of his sleeveless workout shirt affording her a fantastic view of his physique. Marvelous. A work of art that rivaled David himself, but the minx wasn't interested in simply creeping in silent perversion. She cleared her throat and tucked an errant strand of hair back behind her ear, chastising it for it's clever escape from her ponytail.

"Commander". He hailed, his voice a little strained as he continued to hold himself upside down. Thanks to his people's keen sense of hearing and his worm's fancy gift ability to listen for patterns in sounds, he heard the human woman approaching from the moment the door opened. Facing away from her, he leaned over again, his feet gracefully curved over to the floor and bringing him right side up again.

A lightened smile shone across his face, his cares seemingly off in the distance. "How was your day."

An eyebrow quirked upwards for a moment as she assessed his boyish agility before settling back into a more neutral position. Ivanova was not without her womanly charms or appreciation of a fine male specimen, that being said, Landon Neyes' charms were not entirely lost upon the proverbial ice queen. "Better than some, though apparently not nearly as nice as yours." She quipped with a good natured smirk of her own.

He laughed heartily, wiping more shine from his face. He took a deep inhalation and sighed it beck out, reaching for his towel. "You licked your wounds clean? Not everyone is as lucky as you and the petty officer, Commander. Those are some nice ships, our runabouts. Much better than those clunky old things starfleet used to tool around in." He looked up over his towel, just his blue eyes dancing mischievously, "Plus they're faster."

"They're clean enough." The Commander sniffed in response, her amusement kicking on even further at the Trill's quick quips, "They're nice, could use some work, but nice. I rather appreciate the speed and precision handling. The way they crumble upon impact, however, not so much." She grinned, fully and without abandon at her own dig against the runabout she'd thoroughly and completely destroyed. Rumor'd had it the engine itself was threatening to die under the extreme stress she'd demanded of it by riding hard and putting it away wet -- or rather, she would have it it hadn't been for the Earth shattering kaboom that had ensued.

"We haven't had a chance to be formally introduced, Ms. Ivanova." He paused, remembering the human fondness for titles and honorifics. "Or is it Misses?"

"Miss." She nodded, "Most definitely not a misses." Rochelle's hand extended for a shake. It was customary, proper... The socially accepted norm even if she wasn't completely comfortable with rendering touch and tactile responses with others... Not yet. Not so soon after everything that had set the fine hairs on the back of her neck on end. But Neyes wasn't Will Taggart, or an Orzhov, or Aceyhola, or a terrorist, or Garren or or or... the list in her mind continued to grow until she chased it away with a dismissive dip of her chin that may been viewed as the young woman perhaps playing coy.

As something of a errant child of a 'highborn' symbiont, Landon hadn't actually spent that much time with Humans. His own people, in some circles, held the name Neyes in frighteningly high regard. His age and worldly experience had been just that, experiences on his own world. Robert Lansine had proved something of an oddity in his own right, being able to handle Landon's lack of understanding. Now though, he was faced with another Terran officer he didn't know, with a completely new attitude. Dar and Rob had been safe, familiar. Ivanova seemed... different.

"I'm assuming, though, you didn't come to the holodeck to play with me." His skin dry, Landon took her hand and shook firmly. The thin smile he'd been carrying fell away for a moment. "Were... were you a marine, Commander?"

"Sadly no," the redhead sighed with mock defeat, "I came here to play with myself." Oh let the pun be noted as intended, woven with such innocence that begged for some sort of response from the shiny Trill. She knew she was toying with fire, and far from flirting with it, she chose to observe his nature ans the nature of his actions, choices and words. What he asked next, however, re-engaged the lift of that aforementioned brow. "A Marine? Heavens no." She chuckled and scoffed lightly, shaking her head, "I eat them for breakfast."

Landon mustered an amiable sigh of relief, finished off their handshake. "Ah. Ok. You have a firm grip, not all officers do. Marines do," his tone soured, "Marines do a lot of things. But they never play alone, and neither should we." He took a few steps backward, arms outstretched, beckoning her forward. "Shall we?"

"Marines have nothing on me." She winked, the bold faced grin once more relinquishing it's hold to her usual smirk. Her chin lifted in spite, allowing her to gaze down the delicate length of her nose at the man who both besought her brutal nature and challenged the very essence of her fiery core. "I suppose you have a point." Rochelle sighed, setting down the tumbler of tea she held in one hand and sighed as she stepped forward, defying the tug and pull of her still bruised ribs. She was never one to step away from a fight.

"I assume you spar." Neyes laughed.

"You know what they say about assuming, Captain." The wickedness rose in her glittering eyes as her deft little hands turned her girlish ponytail into a quick bun. "Lucky for you, you've assumed correctly. The adage fails." Cheeky cheeky, the petite woman followed the Trill out onto their new proverbial dance floor.

... To be continued ...

ACapt Landon Neyes
Commanding Officer

Cmdr Rochelle Ivanova
Executive Officer


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