Uss Vindicator

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Te'shara opn the prowl part 2

Posted on Sun Jul 28th, 2013 @ 6:32am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil

260 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: USS-Vindicator
Timeline: SD:241307.27

=/\= Vindicator Security=/\=
Te'shara heard a rumor that the vindicator is in for a suprise, with the Romulans, and had to warn Cmdr Hayden of this, she went and grabbed a whole bunch of security and seperated them in 2 teams , 1 team secures the ship along with Te'shara, and the other team grabs civilians to a safe shelter of the ship, cause security doesnt need civilians in the way of a romulan war.

She went and grabbed a group of security and put them in 2 teams, 1 team along with Te'shara, to secure the ship while passing out type 2 phasers for security. SHe passed them out to all security officers , even the group who is gonna get civilians to shelter. Te'shara then left word with commander Hayden on whats going on and what she did on a padd.

So he would know whats going on, and Te'shara is on the prowl and doing her job, too. She told, to Commander Hayden what she was doing she was gonna be the security team, to secure the ship. While team 2 grabs the civilians to protected shelters, there was alot to do for security and Te'shara was on the prowl 24/7 with getting ready for the romulans.

Te'shara had the perfect plan in her wake, and told the plan to commander hayden Williams everything on a padd, and she was on her way to help the other security securing the ship and waiting for the romulans. She ,with her Type 2 phaser. she was ready to have war with the romulans.

Lt Te'shara R'heil
Assist Security


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